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SONG SUGGESTION: Roses by The Chainsmokers

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SONG SUGGESTION: Roses by The Chainsmokers

Something pulled Greyson from her sleep. Someone was shaking her shoulder. Instinctively, she clasped her hand around the wrist and bent it backward, sitting up quickly to see who it was. Breathing heavily, she scolded herself as she saw Boggs calmly staring back at her with his dark brown eyes. Katniss stood tiredly behind him, her hair in her usual long waves.

Greyson immediately let go of Boggs' wrist and mumbled an apologetic, "sorry," while standing up from her bed and adjusting her jumpsuit on her body.

Boggs didn't comment on her peculiar actions. "Come with me."

Greyson obeyed with a curious nagging at the back of her mind. She couldn't help but think that this had something to do with the event that occurred just mere hours ago. It had to be early in the morning, she could recall hunting with Gale and Katniss this morning and then receiving the call . . . Her mind was trying to put itself back together as they descended up to the control room, where Coin and Plutarch stood waiting for them.

Coin started speaking without recognition as to who was in the room just as Greyson took a spot beside Katniss who was looking more and more sullen as the the seconds ticked idly by. "We took their best shot, didn't we?" She offered up the two of them a smile.

"Yeah," Katniss responded.

"Your mother and sister okay?" Coin asked in concern, focusing her attention mainly on Katniss. Greyson was starting to question why she was brought up here in the first place. Probably because you're both the Mockingjay, a voice reminded her. She wanted to roll her eyes at herself. It was obvious to anyone that Katniss was the better Mockingjay, she was young, experienced, and had more to fight for than anyone. She was the exemplification of hope.

And Greyson, well, she was all sorts of messed up.

"I need you to do something for us." Coin looked to a slouching Greyson, "the both of you," she paused, "I need you to tell Panem that we survived an attack by the Capitol with no casualties, that we remain fully operational."

Greyson nodded with heavy eyelids, "okay." All she wanted to do at this point was sleep.

Coin looked to Katniss once more. "You should know something. We had eight extra minutes of civilian evacuation because of Peeta's warning. I won't forget that."

Katniss visibly stood up straighter, which amused Greyson and caused her to smirk. "Thank you."

Greyson and Katniss were both whisked away to get prepped and ready for the propo. Greyson sat at a table with Effie fiddling with her cut and knotted hair. From above her she heard Effie sigh in exasperation.

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