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SONG SUGGESTION: The Last of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy

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SONG SUGGESTION: The Last of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy

The happy atmosphere had suddenly turned into one of screams and blood. The warm red liquid splattered the cobblestone road and managed to spray across Greyson's face, chunks of loose flesh falling from the sky around her. She fell to her knees as the explosion triggered another, leaving her ears ringing and the world behind her a blur.

Crawling to the injured man, Greyson found herself beside Katniss, deep in a puddle of blood and missing limbs. As she hovered over Boggs, she felt her own blood leave her face at the drastic condition he was in. One look at him and she knew he wasn't going to make it, they didn't have the kind of equipment they needed to perform surgery; or time. She knew that Snow was being informed on the random explosion outside of the city, he was a desperate man looking for blood and he would do anything to watch her and the rebels suffer.

Hands slick with blood, Greyson felt the air escape her as Homes had suddenly pushed her to the side, yanking open a first-aid kit. Boggs gripped Katniss' wrist. He looked at the two girls, his face tired and pale with death nearing around the corner. "The Holo," it was an order.

She scrambled to search for it with Katniss, finding it rammed into a stairwell with one of his boots, a chalk of white bone poking out of the leather. Shuddering, Greyson grunted as she handed it to her commander, the blood already beginning to dry on it.

Around her, the team had formed a protective, weak circle around them, but what frightened her most was the pair of ocean eyes that were in absence. Boggs and Katniss were having a rushed conversation, something about her name and the Holo. Greyson was scrambling to her feet as she found a head of bronze hair trying to revive Messalla, who was flung back into a building by the explosion. Jackson was yelling into a field communicator to send medics, but Greyson knew it was no use, Boggs couldn't even hold his own head up.

"Finnick," Greyson called, her voice hoarse with tremors. He whipped his head around as Greyson ran over to him and Messalla, helping to pick up the man with as much strength as she could muster. She cried out as she felt her arm scrape against a ragged piece of metal wire, gritting her teeth as they heaved the man further up the block.

A shadowy figure with stark blonde hair was going mad in the distance, and she knew at once that it was Peeta. Her mind went instantly to Johanna, who had been extremely quiet until now. She saw her tackle Peeta to the ground, both of them rolling on the ground like animals.

"Shit," she heard Finnick curse. And then she saw it. Black, opaque oil fountained from an unknown hole down the street where they had first came from. Her hold on Messalla faltered as she saw the height of the wave grow to an unsettling height. "Run!" Finnick shouted, a vein in his neck straining as he picked up the pace, his feet moving quickly.

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