School Sucks

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Harry's P.O.V

Thank goodness it's the last day of school. I got absolutely shit-faced last night after everything happened. I'm so hungover and tired. I spent the entire night puking and crying over Prim. I don't know why I thought it was ok to drink on a school night. Not only did drinking ruin my relationship, but my fucking head hurts. I had way too much vodka.

I close my locker door and I see her standing by her locker down the hall. Primrose. She looks so pretty in her school uniform. She doesn't have very much makeup on and her brown hair is in a messy ponytail. She is so naturally gorgeous. I love that about her.

"Primrose!" I shout. She looks at me, slams her locker, and begins to walk the other direction. "Primrose, please wait." I run and catch up with her. "Prim, please talk to me. Please. I love you. And I was drinking. I didn't mean it and I really, really don't care about her. I love you. I care about you."

"Harry. Seriously. Fuck off. I'm done."

Such mean words to come from suck a pretty face. "Primrose Addison. Please. Just listen to me."

She turns to look at me, but the bell rings. Prim walks straight out of the school and I don't even bother to follow her. I lost her.

Prim's P.O.V

I felt so bad for being so rude to Harry. I mean, he cheated on me. I don't know why I feel bad.

I walked right out of the school and began to ball my eyes out. I feel my mascara begin to smear, but I can't stop. I know I'm going to get into trouble for skipping class, but it's the last day so I don't really care.

I feel all worn out.
I just want to go home.
I don't want to be anywhere near Harry.
I dry my cheeks from wet tears, then do my best to get the smeared mascara off my face.
I straighten my skirt and the collar on my shirt.
I walk as fast as I can till I'm in the school parking lot. I pull out my phone to call Louis.

"Hello?" He answers.
"Hey, Lou. Are you in class right now?"
"Why? I'm in the gym."
"Can we leave? I don't really feel good."
"Yeah. Meet me in the parking lot."

I sneak off into the parking lot where Lou is already waiting by his jeep.
I quickly get into the passenger side. "What's wrong, Primmy? You okay? Does this have to do with Harry?"
"I just don't feel to good, Louis."

Harry's P.O.V

The last bell rings. I storm out of the school to find Gemma. She waits for me by her car. "Let's go!" She shouts to me.
"Hey, was Primrose Tomlinson in gym class today?" I ask her since they've had gym together all year. 
"No. I heard she cut class today. She didn't even get in trouble."
"Wait, she just left?"
"Yeah, someone seen her leaving the school in tears.  She left with her older brother." Gemma explains, starting the car. "Why was she crying?" I become worried.
"Some girl in my science class told me she cuts herself. That might have something to do with it."
Oh no. Prim told me she used to cut but she promised me she would never do it again. Oh no no. Please let this just me a rumor.

"Gemma. Can I tell you something?"
"Please be serious about this." She nods. "Okay, so that girl, Prim, we were together for like  a month-"
She cuts me off. "Harry! Why didn't you tell me?"
"We wanted to keep it a secret for a while. Anyways, yesterday, I had a bit to much vodka, while y'all were gone. Bryanna, the neighbour, came over. She was all over me Gemma! Well, Prim saw us, we were just kissing. That's it."

"What happened?"

"Gemma. I think she hates me now. I love her! Gem, what do I do?"
"I don't know, Harry. That's super fucked up. Did you try talking to her?"
"I tried. But she won't listen."
"Make her believe you love her."

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