How Terrible

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Prim's P.O.V

How terrible it must me to love something that death can easily touch.

That's what I think when I wake up and see Harry's smooth face two inches away from mine. He's still asleep but his arms are holding me so tight. I try to pull away, and I finally do. The moment I'm free from his hold, his eyes shoot open. "Prim?" his voice is raspy but smooth. I peck his lips.

"Good morning." I mumble.

I make my way out of his room, and down the steps.

Harry's P.O.V

Prim looks like ghost lightly floating on the air as she walks down the stairwell. I follow her into the kitchen and I sit on one of the stools. She open the fridge.

"Are you going to tell your parents?"

"Of course not. I'm alive. Everything is fine. And I'm already going to enough therapy."


Almost losing her yesterday was terrifying. I can't thank God enough for letting me save her.

She closes the fridge and picks up her phone. It's all silent except for the sound of the TV that was left in over night. We can't see it, but we can hear it clearly. It's just some story about a bunch of random teens.

"You know," Prim says, "I was actually looking forward to high school. I could have a normal life if I didn't audition for the X-Factor my freshman year. I was looking to those four years in high school. Exams. Drama. Classes. Friends. Memories. Dramatic teens. Dances. High-School-Sweethearts. Yearbooks. Sports. Graduation. And Senior Prom. I wanted a normal life. But nope. I have to audition for that show. I was actually supposed to graduate this year.."

Prim's words light a spark inside of me. And I know what I'm going to do.

"I want to take you out to night." I hold my head up high. "Don't say no. Don't say maybe. I'm taking you out."

"Okay. Fine. Where to?"

"That's a secret."

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