Bootcamp, bootcamp, bootcamp

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Louis's P.O.V

I knew this would work. Every since she auditioned, she hasn't said anything about Harry. I knew that getting her to audition would take her mind off everything!

Now here we are, both of us, stand backstage of the X-Factor stage again.

We all just preformed songs again to the judges.

There's twenty-four boys left. I'm one of them.

"All the boys! On stage now!!" Somebody yells.

"Good luck.." Prim whispers in my ear.

We all file out on the stage floor.

Then the judges start to name off names.

I squint my eyes shut. My palms become sweaty. My head aches.

Please, please, call my name..


It take about five minutes for them to get to the last few names. However, it seems like hours.

"And the last person going through is....." Simon beams.

It has to be me. It has to be.

"Tom Richards."

My eyes open and feel with tears.

I didn't make it...


The last of us slowly walk off the stage in disappointment.

I step down the slim three steps. I take about five steps forward then fall into my mother's arms.

"This sucks, momma." I slowly begin to cry.

"Shhhhhh...." She leads me to a chair, in the corner where no one can see us.

"Where's Prim?"

"She's about to go onto stage." She dries my face of tears.

"She's gonna make it. I bet she will."

"Yeah? Well, you can try next year baby." Mum plants a small kiss on my forehead. "Want to watch??" She points to a big screen a few feet away.

I nod. I watch as they call out the names of the girls, and tell them to step forward.

"The last one, Primrose Tomlinson." Demi announces. I begin to bite my nails she Prim takes a step forward, tears swelling in her eyes as they do in mine.

"You girls standing in the front, have made it through to the next round." Paulina tell them.

Relief falls over Prim, me, and mum at once.

The girls in the back begin to scream and cry.

Prim rushes over to us. She hugs me first. "I'm so sorry..."

"If one of us had to make it through, I'd rather it be you." She hugs me tighter. After all, it was true.

"I'm going to be issued a cabin to stay in?" Prim looks at mum with a confused look.

"Yes, love. They'll give you one tomorrow." We begin to walk down the steps on the arena.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Someone calls behind me.

"Yes?" I turn around, it's one of the stage managers.

"Come with me please." I follow him back backstage.

What the hell is going on?

I notice there are other boys already there.

"Why did they call us back?" Says some Asian kid.

"There just gonna make us cry again. Don't ya see?" Harry states.

Who gives a damn?

Wait. Harry's here. . .

"Go to the stage when I call your name." The stage manager orders.

"Niall Horan. Zayn Malik. Liam Payne. Louis Tomlinson. Harry Styles."

Oh shit balls.

All five us go onto the stage. I get farthest away from Harry as possible.

"I'm putting you five boys together as a band." Simon smiles at us. "You will proceed to the next round together. As a boyband."

"Shit." I mumble under my breath. THIS IS AMAZING! I HAVE ANOTHER SHOT AT WINNING!!

A blonde one, I think his name is Niall, comes over and hugs me. I'm happy as hell, I hug back.

Now I'm in a band.

Torn (Harry Styles)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant