Yelling▫️Chapter 10

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▪️The Next Morning▪️

I walk into a room where everyone else was. "You speak of control, yet you court chaos." I heard Thor say. "It's his M.O, isn't it? I mean, what are we, a team? No, no, no. We're a chemical mixture that makes chaos. We're...we're a time bomb." Bruce said.

"What? I thought we are a team. How are we a chemical mixture. And the only one who causes chaos is me. None of you are. You guys were born to help. I'm specifically here for pranks and chaos." I say trying to make them feel better but they don't really listen to what I have said.

Tony and Steve start yelling at each other. "Always a way out... You know, you may not be a threat, but you better stop pretending to be a hero." Steve hissed. "A hero? Like you? You're a lab rat, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle!" Tony yelled. "Put in that suit, let's go a view rounds." Steve challenges.

"You people are so petty...and tiny." Thor laughs. I look at him. "Thor! Like I've told your brother many times. I'm not puny!" I tell him.

All their yelling was going to make me go sane! Get it. People say insane but because I'm already mad I go sane. Hehe. That was funny don't deny it.

"You wanna know my secret, agent Romanoff? You wanna know how I stay calm?" Bruce asks and picks up the scepter without realizing he did so. Just in case, I prepare my claws as Natasha and Fury grab their guns.

"Doctor Banner...put down the scepter." Steve said. Bruce looked down and realized he was holding it. He put it back. Then there was a beeping sound which scared the bajeebers out of me.

"Got it." Tony mumbled. "Located the tesseract?" Thor asked. "I can get there faster." Tony said, basically volunteering to go alone. "Actually. No. I can get there the fastest." I say raising my hand. "Look. All of us..." Steve was cut off by Thor. "The tesseract belongs on Asgard, no human is a match for it." Thor says. It's a good thing I'm not human then.

Tony turns to leave. "You're not going alone!" Steve yells. "You gonna stop me?" Tony asks. "Put on the suit, let's find out." Steve smirks. "I'm not afraid to hit an old man." Tony says also smirking. "Put on the suit." Steve said. "Oh my god!" Bruce yells out making us all look at him. Suddenly we felt something hit the helicarrier.

Steve, Tony, Fury, and Thor are thrown across the room while Natasha, Bruce and I fall down into the lower equipment room. I used my cat physiology and landed on my feet skillfully.

Natasha is not as lucky and lands on her stomach. Some debris landed on her leg. We both looked over at Bruce and saw that he was having a hard time controlling his anger.

I was about to help Natasha when some more debris landed on me too. I groaned. "Doctor...Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. All of us. Listen to me." Natasha says trying to calm him down.

Two shield soldiers came close to to help but we waved them away. "We're gonna be okay. Right? I swear on my life I will get us out of this, you will walk away and never..." Bruce cut her off. "Your life?" He asked. His voice was different. Another explosion occurs and just as the lights go out he turns into the hulk. Thank my cat night vision.

I quickly realize that I can teleport out from under the debris. I do this quickly and quickly lift the debris off of Natasha. She turns to me. "Go! Help the others. They need it!" She yells. I nod and disappear into a puff of teal smoke.

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