Safe House~ Chapter 67

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I float around the building to find Thor, Steve and Natasha all affected by Wanda's mind power. I immediately took that as my cue to turn invisible so that she could not try and hypnotize me or whatever again. I watch as Clint attaches a shocking arrow to Wanda's head, preventing her from using her powers. Almost immediately, a blue and silver blur appears and knocks Clint down, and removes the arrow from Wanda's head. As the blur is still, I see Pietro, before he picks up Wanda and runs off.

"Yeah, you better run." Clint groans. I become visible again and help Clint get to his feet. "Whoever's standing, we gotta move! Guys?" Clint says. I look around my surroundings as Clint leans on me, attempting to regain balance. Clint and I shared a worried look when we heard no response from the team.

"Find them." Clint said. I nodded before letting my body disappear into smoke. I watched Clint begin to search the building before I turned to where I had last seen Steve. As I was moving, my eyes landed on a passed out Steve, at the same time Clint reported to me over the intercom that he had found Natasha.

I quickly help Steve sit up before I disappear again in search of Thor. I quickly found Thor on the ground on his hands and knees, trying to collect his bearings. I went to place my hand on his shoulder comfortingly but the simple action caught Thor off guard and caused him to flint.

"Sorry, sorry." I apologize. Just then, I heard another voice over the intercom.

"Natasha, I could really use a lullaby." Tony spoke.

"Well, that's not gonna happen. Not for a while. The whole team is down, you got no back up here." Clint responded. Tony wasted no time in informing the team that he was going to call VERONICA, the large suit he made especially for fights against the hulk.

Knowing the team could help each other, I told Tony that I would head his way just in case he needed me, to which he thanked me graciously. I swiftly got to my feet and jumped into the air, taking flight and phasing through the ceiling as though it was nonexistent. As soon as I had my eyes on the city that the Hulk was wreaking havoc on, I teleported as close as I could without immediately putting myself in a dangerous area. From there, I flew closer to the city, surveying the destruction and chaos. It didn't take long to find a metal pyramid belonging to Tony, surrounded by armed men. Just as I was about to draw closer, I watched the pyramid fall in the ground, and seconds later, the Hulk burst from the ground, shocking everyone.

The hulk began to attack a car with a woman inside. I knew that I could not fight the hulk, but I knew I could save the woman. I immediately teleported inside the car, took the hand of the woman, and teleported her out and to safety. I dropped the woman's hand and let her make a run for it as I turned my attention to Tony in his Hulkbuster armor.

"Alright everybody, stand down!" Tony yelled through the speaker of his armor. He then turned to the Hulk and spoke again. "You listening? That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her, you're smarter than her, you're Bruce Banner." As Tony and the Hulk proceeded to fight, I merely followed both of them and attempted to evacuate each area that they would then destroy.

The fight seemed to take ages to end but before long, Tony has thrown the Hulk into a structure that was in the process of being built. As soon as the two were on the ground, I flew to their sides to find the Hulk surveying the damage he has caused, before Tony finally knocked him unconscious.

~Time Skip~

We were all back on the jet, reflecting on the fail that was the mission. Bruce was sat in the back wrapped in a shock blanket, Natasha and Clint were flying the plane, Thor was pacing, and Steve and Tony were sitting in chairs and speaking to Maria Hill. I, on the other hand, had returned to my cat form and curled up in a ball on a shelf, attempting to tune out the words being passed between Steve, Tony, and Maria.

As soon as the call between the three was ended, Tony approached Clint and offered to fly the plane so Clint could get some rest. In response, Clint said, "No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time, cause we're still a few hours out."

"A few hours from where?" Tony inquired.

"A safe house."

~Time Skip~

I felt the jet jolt, causing me to wake from my slumber. I got to my feet and stretched as I yawned, bearing my feline fangs. I found the rest of the team exiting the jet to which I scurried down from my rest place and trotted behind them, too tired from my nap to shift back to human form. We approached a house that appeared to be placed in the middle of nowhere.

"What is this place?" Thor asked as he ascended the steps to the front door.

"A Safe House." Tony responded, to which Thor gave him a sarcastic glare.

Clint opened the door to the house as he mumbled, "I hope so." Clint then entered the house, the rest of us following suit. "Honey. I'm home." Clint called out. Not long after, a pregnant woman steps out of what seems to be the kitchen. " Hi. Company. Sorry I didn't call ahead." Clint tells who I assume is his wife.

As Clint was properly greeting his wife I stroll in front of Steve and caress his leg with my body. Steve turned to look down at me before he picked up my small cat body and placed me on a nearby table. Clint then turns back to the team.

"Gentleman," he pauses as he glances at me, "Cat. This is Laura." Clint introduced us.

"I know all of your names." Laura said awkwardly. Tony gives a stiff wave while we all remaind silent. I sat down on the table and wrapped my tale around my paws. My ear twitched as I heard the thunderous sound of running feet. I turned to see two young children come bounding around a corner towards clint. Everyone began their own conversations except Bruce kept quiet.

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