Hearts~Chapter 33

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~Y/n's POV~

I jumped off of the time machine. I turned around and watched as the machine spun around and formed into a small ball. It launched itself into the air, about ten feet, then curved and hurtled back down to the crazy, blue ground. Yes blue ground, I landed somewhere in the middle of the mad forests.

I leaned forward and caught the sphere in my dominant hand. I used my other hand to snap my fingers, to make a hat appear, also changing my outfit. The hat was one that the Hatter had given me. The hat was, of course, a top hat, and had a black feather on it. On the top hat. it had red and white designs covering it.

I wore a black and red "Pirate Vixen Wench Dress" , and underneath, I had on a pair of leggings. One of the legs were black and white checkered while the other leg was solid black. I wore black and white checkered heels.

I took off the hat and dropped the time machine inside, for safe keeping. Once I was sure that it couldn't fall out, I plop the top hat on top of my head, ruffling my gray and blue hair. I smile as I skipped out of the forest, but stopped when I saw a red figure running out of the Heart's castle.

"Well, Beavers build me a dam, it's Heart!" I say to myself. I jump into the air, spin in a circle and turn into a flurry of aqua smog. My puff moved closer towards the running woman, and followed her, but made sure to hide whenever she looked back behind herself.

"Heart, where the H E double hockey sticks are you going?" I mumble.

(I know...a lot of the chapters are short, and I'm really sorry about it.)

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