Whitey▫️ Chapter 15

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(Sorry for the very very very very very very very late chapter. Okay maybe not the late but it's late. And it's not the best, I can't find the website that had the script and all the stage directions so I'm improvising.)

~Y/n's POV~

Bruce continues to smash Chitauri. I looked around for anything particular to do. I suddenly see a Chitauri soldier staring at something and smirking.

The Chitauri creeps forward while holding it weapon. I follow its gaze to a short man.

The man was wearing a long black tail coat and has short white hair. The man also had vibrant red eyes. I scanned over to man, and saw a pocket watch sitting in the pocket of his tail coat.

My eyes widened. I ran with inhuman speed towards the Chitauri and the man, my nails extending into claws.

I hissed like a cat as I tackled the Chitauri to the ground. "Stay away from my friend." I hissed as I clawed at the face of the shocked Chitauri.

When I was sure the soldier wouldn't be getting up any time soon, I stood and walked over to the short man.

"Long time no see." I smirked. He dusted off non existed dust on his tail coat. "You've got the right. It's been more than 6 days. Not by much though!" He exclaimed, his accent very visible.

"Not for me. It's been a year! Did you know that time on Earth is faster than time in Wonderland?! I mean, who knew?! That's why Alice didn't return! She's a really old, wrinkly Alice now!" I ramble.

"Oh I've missed your madness!" He smiled. "I've missed you too White Rabbit! Or as I like to call you, Whitey!" I smile and embraced him in a humongous hug.

Suddenly, over the ear piece, I hear Tony speaking. "I've got it. And I'm bringing it to the portal." He said. My eyes widened and I looked up to see Tony flying towards the portal while holding whatever it was Loki was after.

"Nuh uh. Not today, you've got too much to live for! Your still young!" I yell while I ran...on air....towards him.

Before he could enter the portal, I grabbed the thingy he was holding, kicked his suit, pushing him back and air walked, or air ran to the portal.

I could hear everyone protesting over the ear piece and I could also hear Tony trying to fly towards me, but his suit was running low on whatever it runs on.

I flew or air ran as far as I could into the portal space thing. I was starting to run out of air, and my powers were draining...from not having tea in a while. My eyes started to close as I fell back towards the opening of the portal.
And into unconsciousness.

~3rd Person~

The avengers and the white rabbit watched the portal start to close, waiting do you to fall back through it.

They started to loose hope until they saw you. You were switching back and forth between your human and cat form. Tony was about to fly up to catch you, but the hulk beat him to it.

Bruce landed again and showed them, your flickering form. "What's happening to her?" Tony questioned. The white rabbits eyes widened as he scampered off to find something in particular.

A couple seconds later, he returned and pushed everyone aside. He knelt beside your unconscious form and held something up to your nose.

Within seconds, you sprung awake. "IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!" You yelled as you stated at what was in the white rabbits hands. He nodded. "YAS!" You yelled as you grabbed it and drank the rest of the Tea.

"Yum yum!" You said after finishing it. "The hatters tea always hits the spot!" You mumble as you rub your stomach.

Everyone just stared at you. "Okay! What was that?! First your unconscious. Then your were human, then cat, then human, then cat again. And now your awake and acting as though nothing had happened! Who is this guy anyway?!" Tony yelled incredulously.

You smile childishly. "This, my friends, is my great friend, the white rabbit!" You announce. "Who are you? Why are you obsessed with Alice and wonderland?! It's just some Disney movie!" Tony yelled.

"Umm...I don't know what Disney is, but wonderland is real. Don't talk about my home like that! And Alice is a wonderland-ful girl. Plus, we are the actual people from wonderland!" You interject.

"Really? Suuurrree....prove it." Clint said, crossing his arms. "Okay!" You chirp and go back to your Cheshire form.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"See!" You said

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"See!" You said. Everyone stares at you. "Go on Whitey!" You said to your friend. He nodded and transformed into his rabbit form.

"Still don't believe you." Tony and Clint said.

Smiles Can Be Deceiving | Avengers x Cheshire!readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora