A noise, and nighttime in the bunker

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The first thing that I become aware of is a metallic noise. I open my eyes, their sight still bleary from sleep, and I see a light moving along the wall in front of me.

"Leona!" It's a whisper. I look towards the door of my cell. It stands open. The light moves onto my face, blinding me. An electric torch?


I sit up and see the vague contours of a long-haired woman standing in the door.

"Anna?" I ask.

"Yes. Be quiet and come with me! Hurry!"

Anna moves the light away from me to the floor and beckons me to follow. I hesitate. Is this a rescue or yet another trap? But they don't need another trap, they already have caught me. I grab my jacket and my shoes, which I left under my bunk the evening before.

"Hurry up!" she says, turning to go, but looking back at me. "I'll get you away from here. The others are all asleep."

She hurries off, and I follow. We leave the corridor in front of the cells and hurriedly start striding through the passages and stairways of the bunker. Everything is quiet, and only a few emergency lamps complement the dancing light cast by her torch. Its moving shadows evoke ghosts in every corner.

We enter yet another corridor and she turns left. I hear a noise from the right.

"Hey!" A man's voice. We freeze. Someone is stepping out of the darkness.

Anna points her light into his face. It's the curly-head that I have seen jogging with her. He holds his hand before his face, trying to shadow his eyes. Anna lowers the torch.

"What...?" he starts, but then he sees me and he stops.

"Shut up!" whispers Anna. "I'm taking her out of here." She uses the lamp to point in my direction. "Go back to the sleeping quarters. I'll just take her to the exit, then I'll return."

"But...", he says, in another unsuccessful attempt to form a complete sentence. He studies me, his mouth turning into a thin line of disapproval. "She's from the outside." Then he looks back at Anna. "And Jan will throw a fit."

"Maybe," Anna whispers. "But if she remains here, he'll chip her. Now get lost!"

"I'll come with you," he whispers back at her.

"No. I don't need you. I'll be back in a moment." She hesitates. "Please," her tone imploring.

"OK," he answers after a moment's thought. "But be careful, and hurry!"

"Come," Anna tells me, and we continue. I look back and see him still standing in the corridor behind us, his mouth open, his face a mixture of worry and doubt.

Soon we reach the large room with the tables. It is also illuminated by emergency lights only, which renders it cavernous and menacing. We cross it and enter the corridor at its far side. When we arrive at the stairs moments later, I hear voices behind us. A light is turned on, probably in the room with the tables, but I see no one.

"Come!" Anna mutters, her eyes wide open. We start ascending the steps, quietly and quickly.

When we reach the top of the stairs, we stop and listen. Everything is quiet except for Anna's heavy breathing. 

Then, the light is turned on in the stairwell.

"Let's get away from here!" I say and take the lead. I can remember the room in front of us. I cross it and enter the tunnel that leads slightly upwards towards the exit. I start running, and I hear Anna's steps and panting behind me.

The tunnel is longer than I remember, but finally we reach the large hall with the vehicles. A faint echo of voices emanates from the tunnel, but I cannot tell if the sound is coming closer.

Anna approaches the door that leads outside, starting to work some mechanical controls on the wall beside it, her hands shaking. She turns a wheel. I hear a sound like a mechanism releasing. She continues rotating the wheel, and one of the wings of the door starts to pivot slowly. Cool night air enters through the widening gap. I breathe its promise of freedom avidly, only now becoming aware of the staleness of the bunker's atmosphere.

"Hide behind the vehicles," I say. "I can go on without you." I point towards the vehicles lining the walls of the large hall.

Anna looks at me, hesitating. "Good luck," she says, finally.

"Same to you. And thanks!"

Anna puts her hand on my arm. "Take care!"

Suddenly, the light in the hall is switched on.

"Anna! Stop!" A male voice.

We turn. Jan and the small bearded guy, Robert, exit from the tunnel and enter the hall.

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