Chapter 14 ~ The Calm Before The Storm

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Jay’s P.O.V

I stretched my limbs to loosen my sore, aching muscles. My fingers tips brushed against something soft, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in my bed room. How did I get here? I raised my guards and looked around my room searching for something or someone that shouldn’t be in here; nothing. Relaxing once again I got out of bed and glanced down at myself, my feet were bare and I wasn’t wearing my jacket.

I thought back to last night trying to remember if I took them off myself but I couldn’t remember. The last thing I remember from yesterday was walking into the forest with Cameron following behind me and then I broke down in front of him. Oh no! I can’t believe I broke down in front of Cameron of all people! I screamed at myself. I take a shaky deep breath to calm myself down. Okay Jay forget about it. It’s in the past. Just act like it never happened.

I quickly go about my morning routine and once I’m dressed I head downstairs to the kitchen. On the stairs I can smell bacon, eggs and pancakes! My favourite! I sprint the remaining distance and come face to face with a tall stack of pancakes covered with chocolate sauce. I could feel the drool spilling down my chin.

“Jay, you’ve got a bit of drool on your chin.” I averted my gaze from the pancakes to see Penny and Leon trying to hide their grins, they failed miserably. I stood up straighter and wiped at my chin, sure enough there was a little bit of drool. Eww, I really do drool. I stared with disgust at the wet patch on my jumper.

Penny and Leon started laughing.

“What is wrong with you two?” I asked with concern. They sure are perfect for each other, they’re completely nuts!

“Oh my dear sweet Jay, your face is simply funny at times.” She said with a smile. What is she trying to say that my face is funny?! Why am I talking to myself?! Snap out of it Jay!

“What are you trying to say that my face is funny?!” I asked outraged.

“Sure is,” Leon smiled at me. They both started laughing again; I just stood there utterly confused. I looked at the pair closely thinking that they’ve only known each other for about a week, they are comfortable with each other and they have really hit it off. Leon’s arms are around Penny’s waist with his head resting on her shoulder.

“Oh my god!” I shouted/squealed at the same time scaring both Penny and Leon. I rushed around the table towards them and pushed Leon away with all my strength. I inspected Penny’s neck and sure enough there was a mark. I squealed again.

“What are you squeal for?” Penny asked.

I giggled, “You two got busy didn’t you.”

Leon’s face heated up immediately turning a nice shade of red. Penny however looked really confused; she turned to Leon and saw him rub the back of his neck with his red face. Her face turned crimson as she caught onto what I meant by my comment. She turned back to me and I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively; I’ve never seen a person’s face turn so red before.

“Jay, you are awful!” She exclaimed.

“That’s what I’m here for,” I curtseyed. I grabbed a hold of Leon’s arm and started to drag him out of the kitchen. “I’m borrowing your boyfriend so you can’t make any babies on the kitchen table.” She started to protest but I interrupted her, “Oh and save me some pancakes please.”

“Where are you taking me?” Leon questions as I drag him down the hall leading to the back door.

“You seem to have gotten that you are my training partner,” I reminded him, “and that today is the first day we train all the other packs.”

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