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3 Years Later

Jay’s P.O.V

The years that have gone by have been crazy but at the same time it’s been really peaceful. Ever since the war we haven’t come into contact with that many rouges and we also don’t have to worry about going to war with other packs, the war brought us all closer together living side by side in harmony. 

When I think about my life now I’d never in a millions years thought I’d be living like this, I never thought I’d be happily mated and married to my mate with our first pup.

Yeah so it turns out that I was actually pregnant when I got told that I wasn’t. When I heard what my wolf did, hiding my own child from me, I was angry but after a while I forgave her because she was protecting our pup and I will forever be grateful to her. If she didn’t do what she did my little boy might not be here today and every day I thank her and the moon goddess for the life I have now.

After the war we had a lot of injured wolves and we also sadly had some deaths, from my own pack we had just over 20 losses and they were all mainly unmated males and females. We also lost an Alpha and Luna in the war, they were from the same pack and they didn’t have any children so they had no one to pass the title down to. Penny being the gentle soul she is offered every single wolf a place in our pack. Being without an Alpha or Luna makes your pack vulnerable and the pack can go into chaos, but they all willingly accepted her offer and the next day we held a ceremony joining our packs together.

It took a while to clean up the after math of the war, but after a couple of days we managed to burn all of the rouge bodies and we gave our own the proper burial they deserved for their bravery and loyalty to the pack. Also in that time the other packs gradually went back to their own land with their deceased pack mates to bury them at home.

 It was weird how suddenly everything went quiet, I never realised quiet our pack was and that was including our new pack mates. The triplets and I still played pranks on each other but we didn’t do it as frequently as we used to, we all matured after the war and over the years and after they all found their mates their inner child was gradually disappearing. Penny and Leon were still happily mated together and they were currently in Paris, France on a sort of honeymoon. They were planning on staying out there for a couple of months as Penny wants to explore every inch of Paris and she wants to learn the language.  Just before they left Penny handed down the Alpha title to Cameron and I. We now had the largest pack in America because we were three packs rolled into one, this caused us problems at time but I think we were doing great at leading them. We tried to spend as much time as we could with everyone but at times it was hard. To make our lives easier we decided to hold a massive get together once a month so everyone in our pack could mingle with one another, it was also a good way for the children to socialise and work on their people skills.

“MUMMY!” My little boy screamed interrupting me from my thoughts. He crashed through the back door to the garden where I was sitting on the bench on our porch. Cameron and a few men from our pack helped him build our cosy two stories home; he wanted us to have our privacy and a place where we could spend time as a family.

A little boy, who looked exactly like Cameron in every single way, launched himself over my legs and buried his face into my side. I chuckled.

“Is daddy trying to eat you again?” I smiled ruffling his blonde hair.

“Yeah! Daddy’s being mean to me!” Daniel cried pouting.

I heard a gasp and I turned my head to find my sexy mate standing there in all his glory with his mouth hanging open.

“You think I’m mean?” Cameron faked cried. His shoulders shook and he sniffled every now and then making it look like he was crying. I smirked turning my gaze back to Daniel who was now sporting a horrified look as he watched his daddy ‘cry’. He climbed down from beside me and crawled over to Cameron who was now sitting next to me.

“I-I’m sorry daddy,” he sniffled. “You’re not mean, you’re awesome. Please don’t cry daddy.” I watched the scene before me with tears of joy in my eyes.  Cameron lifted his head from his hands and smiled down at his son.

“I’ll forgive you if you go and tidy up your toys, do we have a deal?” Cameron asked holding out his hand as if it was a business deal. Daniel eagerly took Cameron’s large hand in his small one shaking it up and down before he launched himself into a hug.

“I’ll go and tidy my toys now!” He shot off back into the house and I could hear him stomping up the stairs. I looked over to Cameron and we both laughed at our son, he was just so adorable.

Cameron pulled me into his chest wrapping his arms securely around me and resting his large hands on my bulging stomach. Yup, we were expecting our second pup and she was due anytime now. I was ecstatic when I heard that we were having a girl and I was secretly hoping that she would at least have some of me in her. Cameron on the other hand was adamant that she would be a mini version of me just like Daniel a mini version of him. He had also purchased a shot gun and when I asked what it was for he said and I quote.

“It’s so I can shot every boy that dares to make a move on my little girl even if he is her mate.” I laughed at him thinking he wasn’t serious but when I looked at his face I knew that he most definitely was serious. I felt sorry for her future mate; he was going to have to do some serious ass kissing if he wanted to get into Cameron’s good books.

Cameron’s strong hands massaged my baby bump putting our little spitfire to sleep. She had been constantly kicking and moving around all day! I couldn’t for the life of me get comfortable and I was becoming extremely irritable these days, it seemed that she couldn’t settle unless Cameron was around which wasn’t that often as he had Alpha duties to tend to.

I sighed in relief when she stopped moving around bringing me some comfort.

“Thank you.” I breathed tiredly. Cameron chuckled into my hair.

“Has she been naughty to mummy today?” He asked in a funny voice.

“You have no idea,” I laughed. “She hasn’t settled all day. I swear you’re going to have to get Adam or the triplets to handle your duties because I need you here all day with me, so I can relax.”

“I can do that.” He breathed huskily into my ear.

We remained silent just enjoying each other’s company whilst listening to the sounds of the forest. This was my favourite place to be wrapped in Cameron’s arms where it’s safe and feels like home. My life was just perfect right now; I had my mate at my side, a handsome young son, a baby on the way and a supportive pack. What more could anyone ask for?

“I love you so much Jay.” Cameron kissed my forehead then nuzzled his face into the side of my neck.

“I love you to.” I smiled. Yup, my life was now complete.


This is the end of A Burning Rejection. I'm so happy and yet sad that this story is complete.

I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate every single one of you, my readers. So THANK YOU so much for everything. I also wanted to apologise for my story being like any other rejection story, I tried to make it different but when I started writing I forgot everything and just went with the flow.

BUT I hope you all enjoyed it anyway! I hope to see you all next time when I upload my new story. Thank you again. BYE!

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