•Hellington Pack• *

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After some issues we had of Sebastian losing hope for not finding his family in Redwood and Shadowmoon, it took us an extra two days to get to the Hellington pack. That day, I found out Lucas had been crowned king. As well as he was betrothed to a lady from Baltimore. That day I bawled my life out. I cried so bad, that I was so moody, no one could come close to me without me yelling at them. Then I stopped and didn't care. Well, I said I didn't. All I felt, was empty inside.

I couldn't feel. Then I remembered that was the reason why I began hating men. Alphas, Betas, Kings. All they did was hurt us badly. Make us feel empty, lonely, cornered. Like we can't live without them and we will die without them. Love is a lie.


We arrive at Hellington. We enter easily enough and come face to face with Alpha Maddox. He stands tall, his men at his right and women at his left. The women are dressed well but not like the men. The men are standing beside the Alpha, all smug like. "Alpha Maddox," I say, ready to leave already. "Alpha Summers. Hm... Welcome to my pack. I assume you come to take my women?" He bows softly as an Alpha should to another.

The men look shocked and to be honest I do too. "How do you-" I ask after the initial shock is over. "How do I know if the other Alphas are not supposed to inform me? Well, I'm friends with an elder and it slipped. No worries. Talk Alpha but just know I don't do what the other Alphas do. I know how I treat some of my women may be looked down upon but I have never harmed one without them deserving it" Alpha Maddox says and I watch, how the hell is he so fucking composed!? All of them so far were beyond livid. "Uhm. Well then. Thanks... Ladies as you heard. If you want to come with me you can. I assure you, where I'm taking you, you will be s-" I can't finish because of someone. "VERONICA! Are you there?" Sebastian yells out loud.

Before one of my guards can take him back behind me, a woman steps out with two kids by her. Sebastian cries in relief and so does the women. They go to each other and hug. I smile slightly and tell all the women if they want to come, to step up. A quarter of them step up and Lucia leads them to the cars. Alpha Maddox smiles and signs the papers quite gladly? What?

"Alpha Maddox. Thank you very much for not being like the others" I say honestly, my mood increasing. "You are very welcome, Alpha Summers. I may be serious on my pack and I do hit the women at times but only when I believe they truly deserve it. You may not like it but the women aren't sad here. In fact, some of them like to be disciplined for their misbehavior they think it's good to make them not do what they did. Old fashioned you could say. Alpha, good day" He smiles brightly and I am stunned, I don't even know why. "G-good day Alpha. Thanks again" I slowly smile and kiss him on the cheek lightly. What the hell did I do!? I blush lightly and we get into our cars. Next stop, Black Star. And I'm gonna make that pack pays, badly. Just as promised. Alpha Alexandria Rene Summers does not promise in vain. Especially when it comes to sweet, sweet, revenge.

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