•Paternity• *

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-Alexa's POV-

"Hello my bellísima Alessandra" Kyle, with a borderline Italian accent, says.
"It's Alexandria. Don't get the Italian. Our families may be from there, but you have nothing of them. You coward!" Alexa spat. He slaps her and then pulls away. "Già! Mi bella Alessandra. Te Amo. Tu ere mi amore" Kyle says. "Half of what you said is probably Spanish. I don't love you by the way. I only love Lucas and my pack and my kids" Alexa points out.

"They're not your kids! He's not your mate! He never marked or mated you! You will be mine! Got that! Mine! When the moon is at it's fullest! Beta Carter!" Kyle yells. Her father comes running down the steps and he bows, hiding his anger. "Yes my Alpha?" Her father asks. "I have to leave, but first bring me the whip" Kyle grins. Her father sucks in a breath before doing as said. He hands it to him but Kyle shakes his head. "Show your loyalty to me. You go first. Five times. Hard" Kyle orders. Her dad looks at Alexandria in the eyes and she nods softly. He turns her around and Kyle rips open her shirt.

Her father winces before pulling back his arm before harshly whipping her. She screams loudly and he continues four more times and a tear falls out of the tip of his eye. He stops and hands Kyle the whip who smirks and begins to whip her about fifteen more times. He finally stops and he sees Alexa, blood running down her back and whip marks all in her back. He chuckles and caresses her back as she winces. "Do as you wish but I'll never love you. Never" She mutters.

He presses against her wounds and she screams in utter pain. "You are to become my mate. Now, I must leave but I'll be back. Beta Carter, clean her wounds and then leave her with only a bit of water" Kyle growls. "Yes, my Alpha" Alexa's dad replies, biting back the anger, just waiting to explode.
Kyle leaves the place she is held in, as well as the warehouse, to find more information. Men patrol the warehouse and Kyle with a few men leave as to try and get close to the pack. Alexandria's father runs up the steps and grabs a sponge and water.

He goes back down to see a man growling at her and ready to attack. He places the things down and growls loudly. "Get out of here NOW! No one but the Alpha or I can be here!" Her dad yells. The wolf looks at the things up the floor. "Why are you helping her? The Alpha will not be glad" The werewolf growls in anger, slowly being overcome by the savageness of being a rogue. "These were the Alpha's orders. I don't have to explain myself to you. If you wish to bother the Alpha to mind-link him and get killed, go ahead. I have orders to obey. I'm not happy having to help this thing, but the Alpha ordered. The Alpha's not very happy right now. So leave!" Her dad yells. The wolf apologizes and bows before leaving. Her father quickly apologizes to her and slowly and gently cleans her wounds.

On occasion she whimpered. He looks at his watch and realizes that it is almost time for the injection to be inserted. Realizing she'll heal like a mundane, he minds links an omega who quickly brings the injection. He silently nods and she leaves as to not be yelled at. "I'm so sorry Alé, please forgive me. You and your mother" He says before inserting the injection full of wolfsbane into her system. She whimpers and slowly she begins to feel weak again. He turns her around and he notices her shivering. He sighs before mind linking the Alpha.

"My Alpha, I'm sorry to interrupt," Her dad says, hoping hate is not heard in his tone. "What is it, Beta Carter?!" Kyle asks, not in the mood. "The girl is shivering. May I bring her a blanket? She'll surely catch hypothermia if not covered and there is still a week left until the full moon. She'll die before then and you'll be mad your plan failed" Her dad points out, hoping he doesn't hear the double intentions.
"Yes yes. Do that, I can't let her die.
Did you inject the wolfsbane?!" Kyle asks. "Yes Alpha," Beta Carter says. "Good. Don't interrupt me" Kyle orders. "Yes Alpha"

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