•Heat• *

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"Mother! Do you know where my sunscreen is?!" Tj yells from his room. I sigh. "It's already packed Tj! We packed every single important thing yesterday! Hurry down! Your father is coming in less than ten minutes!" I remind. He doesn't reply and I close my eyes, sighing. For four and a half months now, Luke and I have faked our break up and I have told everyone I'm no longer with Alexander since he found his mate. I've barely seen him since we both have had issues and the fact that I have to hide the fact that in less than a month I'm giving myself up to Kyle so Ryder can get his family back. There is a knock on the door and I open it to see my mate.

I have to control my wolf and I so we don't hug him and I nod while his guards and posse are with him. "Hello, Lucas. The kids are ready" My voice is a deep monotone. "Guys take their luggage to the car. Boys, girls go on" He orders. "Lucas I need to talk to you about the kids and where you are taking them" I lie. "Of course. Shall we go to your office?" He asks. "Yes, follow me," I say. "I'll be back soon boys," he tells our children. They nod and Tj comes running downstairs as to not be left behind. I roll my eyes. These children. I smile though. I love them with everything inside of me.

I laugh lightly and we enter my office that is completely dark since the curtains are shut. Once the door closes, Lucas has me pinned to the wall as he kisses me, full of want and need. I kiss him back and when we pull away, I hug him tightly. "Oh gosh, Luke, I miss you so much" I confess. "I've missed you too babe. I can't stop thinking about you ever. Although your pack is now feared more than ever and I'm doing good, I can't stand being away from you. My parents always try to get me with these women. Oh, how dreadful it is. I fucking love you so much" He says as he kisses my cheek. "I love you too baby but it has to be done. For the good of our family and the people we protect" I reply. "You're right, as always darling" he smiles.

"I know. Now back up and try to wait a bit because your lips are swollen and I bet mine are as well. Also, use your cologne. You have my scent all over you" I remind him. "I wish it could be that way forever" he admits. I peck his lips before spraying on my perfume and checking my mirror on the wall. Once I'm sure my lips are back to normal, I kiss him lightly once more before we leave the study.

"That's all I have to say about this," I say as if we had never kissed. "Yes. I've memorized what you told me. We'll be back in four days. We're going to the beach in Axonville. I already told you where we are going to stay so you can call them. Goodbye Alexandria" Lucas says. "Goodbye Lucas. Bye, my little troublemakers, my princesses. Come here Tyler" I say to my child. Tyler comes to where I am and I hug him tightly before whispering gently.

"Don't tell dad what's going to happen" I tell him. He pulls away and nods. "Troy" I motion to another child of mine. Tyler walks away, to stand by his father and Troy runs and hugs me. Always mama's boy. Well, they all are.
"I'll miss you, my baby. Don't annoy the girls too much" I remind. He laughs lightly and I smile. Next comes Tj and I kiss his cheek and he hugs me tightly. "Look at you my little one. Already becoming super strong" I joke. He complains at what I say and I laugh lightly. Next up my little Turner and I hug him tightly. He's the most sensitive and fragile one.

Tyler told me he was the last to be born and he had some complications. He tells me it's going to be okay and I nod. Lastly, Trevor. He tries to fist bump me but I raise my eyebrow and he hugs me. "That's what I thought. You aren't too cool to give mom a hug, right?" I say. He grins sheepishly and nods. "Okay, now the girls" I say as he goes to his dad. Diane comes up and hugs me before pushing Skylar forward. Skylar hugs me tightly and I whisper soothing words before she nods and walks to where the boys and Lucas are. Stephanie runs and hugs me. Thank you. You're the best" Stephanie says. Athena waits until Stephanie untangles from me and hugs me tightly and thanks me for caring for her and her sisters.

"I did what every woman should do, especially because you girls are angels and deserve the best" I admit. Storm hugs me shyly as soon as Athena walks away. "There little one. It'll be okay. It's only for four days. We've done this before. You'll see me right after. Okay?" I say, hoping she doesn't see my eyes. "Promise?" She says. I bite back the tears. "Promise" I lie. She hugs me one more time and they all walk out the doors. I nod at Lucas and he nods as well before the door shuts leaving me alone. As soon as I'm sure they are gone, I change into sports clothes and I run around the territory.

When the sun goes down, I go back to the castle and to my room. I shower and change before going down for dinner. I watch everyone enjoying themselves and I smile lightly. Suddenly I feel a huge pain as dinner is ending and Jessica rises quickly. "Every unmated man get out now!" She commands. They quickly leave and Jess along with some women take me upstairs, as I scream in pain.

"Leave and shut the door firmly" Jessica orders. They leave and she inspects my neck. "As expected, since he hasn't marked you, the bond is doing everything so you can complete the bond. We have to get him here" she says. "N-no! I want the kids to be h-happy and have to have some normalcy for at least a bit. Just help me prepare a cold shower" I say. She shakes her head but she does so anyway and she helps me get naked before helping me in. She also poured ice. I thank her and tell her to leave as steam begins to form.

She hesitates before leaving, locking the door. I sigh but suddenly the pain becomes even worse and I grimace as I try to hold the pain. Finally, I can't take it and I scream so loudly. I use my water power to make a cocoon of freezing water surrounding me and I sigh as I finally get some peace and I succumb to my tiredness, crying myself to sleep.


****Two days later*****

"Ahh! Ow! It hurts! It hurts!" I scream in pain. "I'm sorry but I have to call him!" Jessica says. I protest. She shakes her head and pulls out her phone. She calls and she speaks before she says okay and hangs up. I close my eyes once again and I drift to a pain-filled slumber.

****Three hours later*****

I feel bursts of sparks through my whole body and some pain dissolves. I open my eyes slightly and I see Lucas.
"Luke, what are you doing here? They'll know we are lying if...you're here" I try to make him leave. "I don't care anymore, Alexa. I really don't. You are my mate and I'm not letting you suffer any longer" He says.

"No... I don't want you to mark me. Not just to relieve me of this pain. I want to do it because I want it and not because of this immense pressure" I tell him. "It kills me to see you suffer! But...if it's what you want then so be it. Come here, let me hold you at least. I'll help you as much as I can" He says. "Thank you. Jessi told me that it doesn't last longer than a week" I say. He hugs me tightly and I cuddle against him. Suddenly there's a knock and it's June. "Alpha I'm sorry to disturb you but it's Mr. Maddox," June says and I see her holding the phone. "Give me the phone," I say. Before Lucas complains, I put it to my ear.


"Hello?" I say. "Alexandria!" He says, desperately. "What is wrong Maddox?" I ask. "Kyle has threatened me! He is done with waiting for another month and a half. He has given me a week to get you away from everyone! Or he's killing my daughter! Please, Alexandria help me!" He begs. "I... okay. I'm in heat currently and it's been three days so we have enough time. I'll deal with this. Don't worry. I'll meet you in a week from now at the meadow in the uncharted territory. You and me alone" I say. "You're with your mate aren't you?" He asks. "Yes. I have to go" I say. I hang up and hand the phone to June who leaves right away.

"What was that about? Why are you meeting him alone?" Lucas asks, curious. "Sh. Just hold me...please" I beg. He looks at me but then he nods and he pulls me closer to him. I'm going to miss this so much. Only a few days and then...I'll no longer be here. But if my life saves others, then I'll do it. No matter the price.

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