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I made my way down the aisle of the HOGWARTS EXPRESS!!!!!

I bumped into George Weasley.

"Hey. Have you seen Fred?" Woah. Twins apart.

"You mean Ferd? No!"


I met with the Weasleys about ten minutes after Draco left with his father. we got our cauldrons and robes and were just leaving flourish and blots when Draco stepped in front of us.

I realized that I had changed to look like Ginny when she was with her mom fawning over Lockhart.

"I bet you loved that, didn't you Potter? Can't even walk into a bookstore without making the front page." that was it.

"Leave. him. alone." I was glaring up at him.

"Got yourself a girlfriend Potter?" he started laughing and I opened my mouth to say something back when his father came.

Ginny and I were sharing a cauldron to put our stuff in.

I didn't want to waste my money so I got second-hand books as well.

Before I knew it, Mr. Weasley and Mr. Malfoy were fighting and my Transfiguration book was sitting in the cauldron at an awkward angle.

I laughed at the adults and left with the two twin boys following me.

"Hi, I'm George." The one with his hair a little longer said.

I then turned myself into an exact copy of the other one.

"And I-I-I am F-f-Ferd. I-I mean Fred! I meant Fred!" Ha. I like these two.


The train compartments were all mostly full so I sat in a random one. It was highly amusing to watch the people in the compartment give me weird looks until Noelle found me and brought me to her compartment.

I was just able to sit down before Ferd and George decided to drag me out of the compartment.

"How would"

"You like"





"Us" They ended together.

I considered it for a moment before agreeing. hey! Pranking may be very fun.

I returned to Noelle just before we had to leave the train. Ferd and George taught me so much.

My brain will EXPLODE!

Annalise Kathrin Potter the SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now