The Slytherin life

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After the feast, I followed the group down to the dungeons. The dungeons were quite creepy... they were dank, dark and had a feeling of doom.

We got into the common room and a faintly hear where the dormitories are because I am looking around. The common room was like Bellatrix' house but cleaner and even more sophisticated. It looked AMAZING!

I saw Draco lounging on a black leather couch in the corner and started walking over to him.

"Hi" I said nervously once I got to him.

He looked up and saw me, "Annalise? Is that you?"

I smiled, "Yes. It's me Draco."

He sat up straight and patted the spot he'd made next to him. I sat down and looked around the common room from my new perspective. It was even better from here, the lights didn't leave as many shadows from here. No wonder Draco sits here.

Draco wraps an arm around me and kinda hugs me. He whispered, "I'm glad you chose slytherin. You may be my only intelligent company."

I laughed slightly, the I yawned.

"You look tired" Draco mumbled as my head rested on his shoulder. He started humming a song as my eyes shut and I fell asleep.


I woke up to a faint green glow and the rustling of paper. I opened my eyes to see Draco, sitting next to me still, reading a book.

"Hi!" I said, poking his shoulder.

He looked at me and smiled, "you're awake!"

I smiled and giggle at his excitement, "yes, I'm awake now! Why are you still here?"

He shrugs, "I didn't want to leave you in the common room on your own! There are some sketchy people in slytherin." He gave me a serious look as he said the last part then started laughing. I smile and lean back on the couch, taking in the common room again.

"Why did you want me to be in slytherin?" I asked him, wondering why he would. Honestly! I'm not very smart or pretty or civil so I'm not sure why.

He looks amused by my question. How in the llama gods could it be amusing. "I wanted you to be in slytherin because I find you very interesting. I also think that you have great potential," he paused for a moment before continuing, "and with my help, you may actually get somewhere!"

I burst out laughing at the last part. "Yeah right! I bet I could beat you no problemo!" I should probably not do this but I really really wanna... wait! Who am I trying to convince of that?

"We can test that tonight. For now, let's go to breakfast and get out schedules!" He grabbed my arm and started pulling me out of the common room. Once we got out of the dungeons and saw people, we started walking like civilized people, kinda. He was walking but I was skipping and being dramatic every time I bumped into something or someone.

We sat down at the slytherin table and everyone looked at me funny. whatdidido?

Why am I talking in my head again?

I don't know, I just don't know.

I changed back to my red hair and green eyes as professor Snape came down the table, handing out schedules. When he got to me, his eyes widened in shock.


He says, stiffly might I add, "Here is you schedule miss,"

"Potter! But use Kathrin instead. I don't want harry to know we're related until I tell him. okay?"

He nodded his head before handing me the schedule and walking away.

Now to find my classes...

A/N: sorry for the really really late update! I tried to keep my promise but I still can't guarantee when I'll update again coz in less than a month, I'm in disney world! I also have dance practices so I'm not sure if I will get it done before I go to disney or after. I'll try to get it up soon though.

Sorry for the really long authors note




criticize any mistakes

Luvs to all who read this!

Annalise Kathrin Potter the SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now