Chapter Fourteen: Magic Words

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Beneath us, the bottom of the pool opened up into a chasm. The sap began to rush down towards the cavity. It dragged us with it, pulling us further and further down. The feeling of being caught in a strong current made me struggle involuntarily. Knut held me tightly from behind. His cheek pressed against mine. "It's okay." Knut's voice echoed. "Just hold on to me. You'll be fine."

I squeezed my eyes shut, choosing to focus on the sap pouring into my body. It filled my gut, spreading a warmth through me like nothing I'd ever felt. It brought tears to my eyes. The tears drifted away from me, floating through the sap, trapped in little bubbles. I will never feel hungry again, I thought with unfathomable joy.

"Open your eyes," Knut whispered against my skin, pecking a kiss on my cheek. My eyes snapped open at the chilling brush of his lips.

The gold and silver garments I'd seen standing by the pool now covered Knut and I's bodies. My dress was so well fitted, it felt as if it had been sewn onto me. We were no longer in the pool but in the throne room. The bonfire was lit. Around it, the goblins swarmed. They'd shed their human clothing and were crawling on all fours, as lost to their instincts as Knut was. Beyond the fire and the goblins' cloud of moving bodies, Ib and the beautiful, winged girl watched on. One arm was around her shoulders as if he were trying to comfort her. His expression was unreadable, as placid and calm as that of a Greek statue. In contrast, the girl's pretty face was twisted in disgust. Her large, expressive eyes, ringed in ginger lashes watched the goblins fearfully. Wise girl.

"What do you we do now?" I asked. I looked down at my pale hands. They were as soft as baby's skin as If I'd never done anything more than lay about a castle all my life.

Knut's eyes shimmered with green light. "The fire. We go through the fire." With ragged breath, he gripped my hand and dragged me forward.

"Are you insane?" I hissed beneath my breath. "I'll burn to death!" I dragged my feet and tugged away from his tight hold.

His grip held firm as he looked back at me with those shining eyes and cunning grin. "Do you really think I'd kill you now? Right now, just we're about to become husband and wife? Please, Matilda, we haven't even had our wedding night yet." He chuckled. "Have a little faith." His hand left my wrist and seized my waist. Suddenly, he rushed forward, almost carrying me towards the fire. The swirling goblins dashed out of our way, giving us a clear path. As his feet touched the ashes of the huge pier, he leaped, waving his free arm in front of him. The flames responded to his power, changing from angry yellows and reds to vibrant greens. The flames licked at our skin and clung to our extravagant clothing but refused to burn us. We were engulfed in the brightly colored flames. I grit my teeth, expecting pain, but was filled instead with an indescribable jubilation.

"In ancient flame we are reforged. Reshaped and made sharper." Knut bellowed triumphantly as our feet landed on the other side of the fire. He smiled down at me even while the flames covered him, obscuring his face with their blinding light. He waved his hand in a downward stroke and the flames dissipated. Foul smoke lingered around us, radiating off our skin. His bright eyes alighted on the thrones above us atop a tall platform. Beside Frode's old throne, sat a smaller version. A throne of the queen's very own. He stopped at the base of the staircase, and he held out his hand to me. "The path before us is long, crooked and full of perils. Are you ready to take this journey with me, Matilda?"

My gaze fell from his hideous inhuman face to his outstretched hand. Its too long fingers awaited my touch. My innards cringed as I pondered the near future. My head was eager, more than happy to do whatever was necessary to escape my life of struggle, and heartache, but my body was less so. "Get away!" It seemed to scream at me, sending my heart racing and twisting my guts into knots as if there were a bloodthirsty creature standing before me. Perhaps that wasn't far from the truth. Sucking in a shaky breath, my hand took hold of his. With fingers entwined, we made our way upward until we were standing in front of our thrones, his and mine. Both of our chests heaving with excitement, we turned to face our hoard with smiles on our faces.

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