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It was the sound of the crowd that Matilda remembered most from the day The Goblin Empire was born. Their new Unseelie subjects did not scream in anger at her as the throne room door opened wide, revealing their new empress draped in iron gray silk, her golden hair spired into horns. They did not mutter a hateful word nor cry for their dead family and friends. No, they were silent. As voiceless as the piles of dead that littered The Branches. They downcast their eyes, fear ripping through their muscles like ice cold claws as she passed, making them quiver and shake. They knew better than to rage against their new rulers lest the shadow of death pass over them again. Even the goblins were quiet, but while the faeries tongues were frozen in terror, the goblins bit theirs in anticipation.

Beyond the great bonfire at the center of the room, from the raised platform on which their twin thrones of gnarled, petrified wood sat, Knut waited for her with Ib and Bran beside him on one side and the young Cat on the other.

Two years had passed in the human world while war had raged in that of the fae. She had aged. She appeared six summers old. She was taller, prettier. There was now no denying her parentage, for it was a replica of Jasper's face that stared at her from a mane of long black ringlets, his dark eyes that glared at her with such hate. Matilda forced herself to ignore her niece, to focus on Knut, on this happy occasion. She'd worry about Jasper's daughter another day.

Knut smiled towards her with pride. "There you are." He smirked. "I've been waiting for you." He held out his hand, waiting for her hand to join his. She smiled in return, a knowing curve to her lips. He wore the spider web coat he'd worn for their wedding, a new silver eye patch covering his missing eye. That coat brought to mind the vows she'd made to The Hollow, to him and the journey they were now bound to take together.

This time there wasn't the slightest hesitation in her step. She practically ran.

She made her way down the center aisle in quick strides, the train of her gown trailing behind her like molten iron. The fire made her opulent gown sparkle and brought out the golden flecks in her brown eyes. She kept her gaze locked with his, her head held high and back straight, her entire being radiating strength, power. If you had never laid eyes on her before, you would never guess she was human. She appeared as other as any of the creatures around her. There was a sharpness to her gaze, a wickedness to her smile. She was every inch a goblin queen.

The crowd could not see it, but Ib did, the warmth that softened her features when she and Knut touched at last. For a moment, a very brief moment, he saw a glimpse of the young rosy-cheeked girl that lived inside the monster she presented to the world.

"Thank you for being so patient. I was afraid I was going to miss this. There are an awful lot of people I've been looking forward to seeing on their knees." Matilda whispered as she took her place beside her husband. They stood shoulder to shoulder, her hand still clasped tightly within his.

Snickering as discreetly as he was able, which for Knut was not at all, he leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Am I one of them?"

Matilda bit the inside of her cheek to keep the laugh inside. She could practically see every wicked thought that passed through Knut's head through that one black eye. "You most of all," She whispered back. She sighed delightedly as they both sank into their thrones. Her brown eyes flicked towards the crowd. All warmth evaporated from her in an instant. "Well? Go ahead," Her dark blood red lips peeled away from her teeth. "Kneel." She commanded with quiet authority. Her pearly teeth were bared, her beautiful face contorted in a soundless snarl. "Beg us for your lives."

At once, the crowd dropped to their hands and knees, pressing their brows to the floor. All except for the Seelie court and a handful of Unseelie men and women who were brave enough to glare at them with dangerous pride.

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