Chapter Thirty Nine: Whispers

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After Knut finished his porridge and I had my third helping, we gathered outside of the village where our golden carriage waited. Knut and I oversaw Llinos as he stuffed the carriage with the collection of gifts we'd been given. There were furs and strange jewelry made of bones and intricately carved wooden beads, and of course, my new elven-made cradle.

"Are you sure you cannot stay a while longer?" Tova asked, smiling warmly. Dara followed her mother closely, shyly plucking at her leafy clothing with her fingers. Rikard peeked at me from the shade of his mother's flowing hair as he clung to her branches.

"I'm afraid not," Knut replied, smirking at her as he put his arm around my shoulder. "We must return home. We can't very well leave the Underground unprotected for too long."

"No, you certainly wouldn't want to do that." She returned his smirk with one of her own, no doubt already knowing that he'd spied on our little spat. "May your journey's path be clear and void of dangers, Goblin King." She ended the conversation with a respectful tilt of her head. "Say goodbye to the goblins, children." She cooed.

Dara quietly waved and Tova took Rikard from her back to move his arm around in a farewell gesture. He laughed liked it was the most fun he'd had in ages.

"Until we meet again, Mighty Elf Prince," Knut growled playfully, giving the baby a serious scowl. When his gaze turned to the princess, his face morphed into a new sort of smile. It was kindly, gentle. His lips covered his sharp teeth and for a moment his eyes did not seem so black. "Look after your brother, Little Lady. I fear he'll need you greatly should he prove to be as stupid as your father." Just like that, the moment was gone. Nevertheless, Dara laughed lightly and hid a rosy face behind her mother's legs.

"Go to your father." Tova cooed, coaxing the little girl towards the elf king helping our servant pack our carriage. Dara ran to him, and he scooped her up. He held her and kissed her cheek.

Tova's hand on my shoulder snapped my attention away from the pair. She looked at me with worry in her eyes. I instantly tensed. "You're not about to spout some nonsense about me being an honorary elf or something are you?" I grimaced.

Before my eyes, the smile she'd been sporting vanished. "Nothing so pleasant, unfortunately." She said lowly. She almost didn't sound like herself. There was a rougher quality to it. "You've heard the rumors, haven't you, Knut?" She asked him. "I imagine you overheard a great deal while you were lurking about."

"I did indeed." He replied. "Is there any truth to the rumors?"

"We have heard the birds whisper of the young princes soaring through their skies. However, none of our scouts, hunters nor I have seen them with our own eyes. I cannot say for certain." She said.

"Princes?" My brows rose. "Who are you talking about?"

"We're not the only trespassers here," Knut smirked. Tova lowered her head slightly. "Two of Titania's sons, Demetrius and Lysander, have gone missing and there are rumors that they are here somewhere in The Boughs," Knut explained. "Do you know where they may be headed?" He asked Tova.

Tova shook her head. "Last I heard, they were seen flying through the canopy near the border, but that was nearly a week ago." She paused a moment. "I truly don't know where they are now, or if they were ever really here, to begin with."

"Why did you keep this from us?" I asked, careful to maintain my smile even while I growled. "I told you of our troubles. I trusted you. Why not show me the same courtesy?"

Her thin lips pressed into a line. "You did not tell me everything, you and I both know this." Her words were heavy with accusation, and I felt the full weight of it. "Besides, as of now, it is only a rumor. I have no proof, so I felt it was not something I needed to share. I tell you this now, only because Knut already knows, and I do not want mistrust festering between us by denying it."

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