A Deleted Beginning

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Hello! I was just going through some old files and came across one of the old, original files for The Goblin's Crown. I restarted this book several times before I found one I liked. Most have been deleted, I think, but this one remained under the title, "The King and the Thief" It's just a few paragraphs. I only got that far with it, but I still love parts of it and wanted to share it.

Please note that this is from a version where Matilda was named Madeline and her brothers were already quite dead. Originally, they were all hanged for thievery before the story even begins and Matilda was completely alone. Anyway, please enjoy!


Madeline meandered slowly through the vast crowds. The Queen was taking a leisurely ride in her golden carriage that day and every man, woman, and child in all of England, she supposed, was there in hopes of catching a glimpse of the fiery haired, Elizabeth. Madeline too, could not help but stretch her neck up to peer into the carriage's windows. A mixture of hatred and jealousy boiled within her. "One day", she vowed beneath her breath, "I'll wear beautiful gowns that will put hers to shame and ride in a carriage that shines brighter than the sun itself. And it'll have ten horses instead of four!" Glowering in pure discontent at the Queen's white-as-bone face as she waved at the peasant folk, Madeline's practiced fingers dove into the pouch the man before her wore at his belt and emptied it of half its coin. She always left enough that the target would not immediately notice the absence of jingling coins. The poor man never noticed a thing. Her skill was great. Her brothers had taught her well.

Madeline hurried away from the scene with a pouch full to bursting with shiny coins. She had more than enough to feed herself for several days, but she was still unsatisfied. Madeline was never satisfied. In her mind, there was always a new scheme she could pull or a pocket to be picked. Every coin brought her one step closer to her dreams and so every hour spent honing her craft was one well put to use.

Madeline's trained eye searched for a new target. She stood outside the nearest inn, watching as patrons went in sober and left staggering around like newborn foals. Her targets were usually always men. Looking at her, no one would suspect her ill intentions. Madeline was young and quite pretty.

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