Part 4

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Arthur waited in the court room, for the four to come. Trisrel was sitting off to the side, sharpening her elvish blades. finally the Dwarven lord appeared and two Dwarves bustled behind. they both did not have beards which surprised him, having heard stories that most dwarves did. they were both taller, according to Isona, than most dwarves but only by a little bit. the girl was about 5 feet while the boy could have been 5 feet 5 inches. 

"Please, sire, my nephew Duli and my Niece Namli." the dwarf lord who's name happened to be Bromnur stated proudly. 

they both grunted and bowed, both their hair was dark and to their shoulders. each carring heavy armor and fur on their backs. they were both a little stocky,but nodded. Namli played with a small piece of hair while her brother pulled off his ax and leaned against it. 

"The elves, doing their hair? is that why they are taking so long?" Duli teased. 

"No, actually we were waiting for you the entire time." a male elf said, coming out of the shadows, Trisrel at his heels. 

"i am Aith-Hanar, i will be going with you and Trisrel." Aith-Hanar answered. 

Arthur nodded and Ted appeared behind them all. 

"Come along, little King we must go, you're friends await for you." Ted stated. 

Arthur turned and followed Ted out of the court. Isona waved, and gave him a sad smile. he felt sad but knew it wouldn't be the last time he would see the Fearie Queen. Ted lead them all through the tunnel and out the other side, Dumos neighed when they reappeared. he could hear Alex calling out his name. 

"Alex, it's alright." he called back. 

Alex rode in with Thdiir behind her. both their eyes widening at he sight of the five of them, Thdiir smiled and jumped off Tuor running to Trisrel and hugging her. she hugged him back, Aith-Hanar coughed catching Thdiir's attention. Thdiir grinned and hugged Aith-Hanar, next before looking to the dwarves. 

"Duli and Namli at your service." Duli answered with a mock bow. 

"why are they here?" Thdiir asked angrily. 

"We were assigned to fight with the world's greatest king and no elf is going to band us from that!" Namli snapped. 

"Thdiir calm yourself, they are with me." Arthur answered. 

"You have got to be joking!" Henry whined riding in. 

"First elves, then shifters, then Dwarves! what's next, wizards?" Henry added with a sigh dismounting. 

"This is the Great King Henry, i expected more." Duli sassed. 

"Duli, please. Henry, what are you doing here, i thought you were entertaining our hostess." Arthur snapped. 

"Yes, well, that was till everyone went looking for you. even our Hostess, now we've got to get back to Niñeth. Alexandra's sister is so close and i am really tired of trying to find everybody." Henry snapped back. 

"But what of the mines of Dune!?" Namli asked frantically. 

"Namli!" her brother scolded. 

"The mines? what's wrong with them?" Arthur asked. 

"Sire, many of our kin are trapped there by the Nifred have taken hold of the mines and our kin slave away in the dark." she stated. 

"the Nifred?" Arthur asked. 

"the Darkness, creatures that have turned to the way of the dark." Duli answered. 

Memories of being locked in a dark room, while his mother yelled at him and his other alive sibilngs through the door. times where food was scarce and you had to eat rats that you found. he looked at Duli and Namli, they were his responsibility now, Bromnur had made it his job to bring them safely home. Namli's eyes pleaded with him and even though Duli was to macho to make it seem, he was also listening intently to the answer of his. 

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