part 5

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“Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?” Liam asked me while drinking his coffee. I nodded.

“You sure acting strange this lately”, Josh interrupted. “is it someone got a new boyfie..huhh?” he smirk while wiggling his eyebrows.

“NO”, emphasizing the word only makes Josh's stupid smirk become wider until the point it almost reached to his both ear.

Liam sigh. “He's got a point sis, you sure acting way too weird nowadays”.


“let her be, maybe there's truly something important at her clinic”, David interruption from nowhere saved me from my brother's suspicion.

“Thanks David for saving me from these unauthorized police”, David chuckled for my sarcastic statement, Josh only shaking his head, Liam like rolling his eyes.

“so..did Mr. Knight want some lasagna?, there's some extra over there” I tried to change the topic by pointing my finger towards the food on the counter top.

“He's not in town right now”, David answered.

I nodded.

The moment I stepped into my clinic, “Teddy..Teddy”. Yup, I just called for Teddy and it's not a dog. The man that I just saved I named him Teddy because he don't want to tell me his name plus Teddy is cute. Now….where is that sex god?

Seriously Leah? sex god?

I spot him playing with one of my patient which is Pip, a Chihuahua.

“There you are, I brought lasagna for you”, he look at me and smiled. Oh his smile really could bring me down to my knees. Ew. I just thought something pervert. Erase, erase.

Sitting facing each other, I cannot help myself from staring at him eating. He looked so sexy from the way his jaw clenching when he's chewing. Seriously Leah. Stop it.

To avoid from me staring like a mad woman, I just look at my tea and sip it slowly. Teddy has been in my clinic for 4 days but not once I asked about what happened to him but I think he's good now. One more thing, he never talk, yup, not even once I heard his voice. I think he's mute but it doesn’t matter because I like his companion so much. We have so much fun in 4 days even when I have to close my clinic 3 days straight. Thank God those boys are busy so they have no time to visit me. I can’t help myself smiling while remembering our happy moments together.

When I looked at him again, he's staring intensely at me right now  .
Shoot, did I say something out loud?
I feel my cheeks heat up. He showed me his sweet smile but I can sense sadness in his eyes or it's just me overthinking like always.

Breaking up the tension, I awkwardly cough and take out my laptop from my bag “since we don't have anything to do, let's watch That's So Raven. Seriously it's hilarious, My favorite too. Even if it is an old drama”. Yes, with this my evil plan to hear his voice would work successfully. I smiled wickedly in my thoughts.

“Hahahahahaha!!!!!.”, I'm laughing hysterically. I failed because Teddy only smiling when watching. Shoot. More embarrassing, I looked like a crazy woman laughing so hard while banging my hand to the pillow. And not forgetting making those weird noises. Is that coming from me?

I should stop this shameful moment but this comedy is so good with all that jokes. Why wouldn't he laugh? he only sit there smiling.

Because obviously he's staring at me like all the time. Thank goodness all the jokes makes my blush disappear. Why do I have to be so sharp at this time? I should be dense so it doesn’t feel awkward. Uggghhhhh…….
Pausing the drama, I put aside my lappy and I look at him. His eyes widen as he startled by my sudden action.

“Do you like me Teddy?” my bluntness sometimes can kill me instant. Even so, I keep my blank face to him. Omg omg omg! Please say that I don’t blurt that out just now. I’m officially mentally slapping my mouth. Repeatedly!

He scratch at the back of his neck, smiling shyly.

“I know you like me”, I said while get back to watch the comedy again. Huh! Goodness that’s awkward. How I hope it's true. “I'm kidding..don't be so tense” showing my best fake smile to stop his awkwardness and my embarrassing moment. Then I didn't even realized the time that I drifted to sleep. Always easily sleep wherever it is.

I woke up on the bed, Teddy's bed but no sign of him. I looked around my office and went outside but still I can't find him. Where is he? Is he take a walk? But he never gets out from the clinic.

Getting back into my office after 5 minutes more searching for him, I slump myself on the chair. Sitting there for I don’t know how long trying to compose myself out, I knew that this day would finally come. Teddy left me. With no goodbye. Placing my face against my palm silently, I cannot hold on my tears any longer, so I let it out and cry. I can't believe he just left me like that.

#even if it's temporary, if u get too much attached to a person u wud feel lost if the person is missing. that's my point.

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