part 22

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Yeayyyyy!!! new chapter!!!

Ian :

That motherfucker! How dare them!

I got a call from David 3 days ago telling me that someone sabotaged our deals that forced me to leave Leah for a while. I have two deals going on, one of it was a large sum of weapons that I want to trade to China and the other was a relic that I stole from an undiscovered tomb in Peru which the Russians interested in, I thought everything was smooth until I got the bad news. Some unknown gang tried to ruin the deal by hijacking the truck that keeps the weapons while at the same time the police ambushed the deal with the Russians. Things get even messier when that gang succeeds in killing one of my clients from China. Me and David quickly went to Boston leaving Josh and Liam deal with the company while I’m not there. Thanks to my well trained men, those stupid bastards didn’t get the weapons or else something worse will happens but unfortunately for the relic. The police managed to seize it, luckily my Russian clients could ran away after almost get caught. My sources said someone tipped them off about the trade, which means I have rats in my house.

Until now, me and David tried to fix the problems, I managed to calm down both of my clients while he searched for the rats. Those deals cost me billions and my reputation in this illegal community. They took this chance to challenge me when I let my guard down for a while. After 2 days since the incident, David found the traitor. He’s new in my organization; we took him and torture him to force him to spill it out. I want to know who hired him but the kid seems to not even care, he even begs me to kill him. It looks that he lost the will to live because even we tortured him to the point that he can’t even stand it, he still not saying anything out. By the time I left him to hear the new information that David found, my men told me the boy killed himself by biting his tongue. We failed to get anything from him but according to David, it was the same person behind both failed deals, apparently the person knows something and this is totally bad like really bad because this person were able to supply mere gang with the latest weapons. Instantly, I told David and those two to take a break and take care of Leah, her safety is my main priority right now. I need to keep her out from this mess, they shouldn't know about her at all.

So now it’s only me left to deal with the rest of the problems. I am currently sitting in a private room at the basement of my night club with the leaders from each district under my organization which they are now quarreling, shouting and yelling at each other’s. All of them either denying or pointing at others about the connections with my new threat which I called the Ghost. The identity of the Ghost still unknown yet they were here to bicker with each other making it so deafening. I’m getting riled up with the exhaustions and longing for my girl, so I tried to take a deep breath and close my eyes for a while to calm myself but they still bickering and their voices rise up each seconds.

That’s it! This is too much!

“Enough!!!!!” I slapped the table loud enough until it can be heard from outside.
Immediately the room went silent dead even the breathing sound can be heard clearly. I looked at all the leaders which all eyes on me waiting nervously for my next move, they are all petrified. I just made their soul leaves the body because they know not to mess with me when I’m in rage. With my gun in my hand, I point to each one of them causing their head to drop down, afraid to look at me.

“I think you all forgot that I am different from my old man, I have no hesitation in shooting your brains out right now. Instead of searching the Ghost, you fucker dare to point at each other!!!” my half face covered by my mask leaving only my mouth visible to their eyes but still they could see my body gave out the resentment vibe. I once again took a deep breath, “I want all of you to find who the Ghost is. Any failed deals after this will  have to face me. I don’t fucking care about the money but today we lost few of our men, my well trained men and client. Just remember this, if I know one of you in this room have connection with the Ghost, I will be fucking happily rip your heart out and burn you and all your fucking generations to ashes.” I said in flat tone yet laced with venomous poison and they know not to take my warning so simple. They all shudder in fear.

“Dismiss.” Immediately they all took their sorry ass out and gone in seconds leaving me alone with some of my men who patiently waiting for me. I was in my relaxing moment when my phone suddenly pings; sign of a message just came. I fished out my phone from my pocket to see it’s from my girl.

Stay healthy and don’t worry, everything will be fine. I miss you Teddy. Xoxo

Her message just made my day better than ever. For a moment, I forgot the existence of my men inside the room and all the problems.

I miss you more Leah, I miss you more~



Tired was not the exact word that could describe what I feel right now. I was extremely drained, dizzy and breathless. Physically and mentally strained, I tried to keep up with my work but failed, I already took 4 pills to get rid of my headache but this time it won’t go away. I need to get rest so I cancelled the rest of today’s appointment and asked Carla to fill up my position to finish up extra work as I need to go home. She understands and let me went home by myself after trying so hard to drive me home but I managed to persuade her to stay.

I reached my house to see the boys are not home, luckily for me because I don’t want them to see me like this. So I use all my energy left to drag my own feet into the house, I need to take the pills again because the pain is getting worse, so I strolled past the living room into the kitchen with all my might to take a glass of water. After I gulped 2 more pills, I wait for the effect to kicks in. That is when I heard the doorbell followed by his voice.

“Leah…… Are you inside?”

Teddy’s here, he’s here! After days, he’s finally back.


I still could hear his voice calling for me, I need to open the door. As I started to move, my vision got blurry. The glass in my hand suddenly becomes doubled, and then multiplied soon followed by several black dots. The doorbell and Ian’s voice are now being slowly replaced by my own breath’s sound. I lost my balance and my grip on the glass loosens, suddenly I feel I was in the air, all things around me moved in slow motion. The last thing I heard was the sound of the glass shattered on the floor before letting myself consumed by the darkness.

#Do you think Leah have undiscovered terminal illness?

#please kindly follow my twitter account @LoveCasteth to communicate with me, maybe u can share with me if u have any brilliant ideas.

#this chapter was dedicated to those who loyal in voting and follow me. Thanks for all my fellow HWNF's cutie!!!!!!
@babybearsxxx @allygirl44 @lovebelikewhat @mynamejeff1234567890
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