It's All An Act

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It's the same day :) Enjoy my potatoes ❤️

Question: Favorite ice cream? Mine is Friendlys Snickers ❤️
A/N Kendyl's outfit :) for later
Later that night I laid in bed staring up at my phone, I scrolled through my contacts thumb hovering over 'France'. I sighed deeply hugging the device to my chest.

I've really messed things up this time. I really liked France and stupid Trent and his confusing emotions screwed with my head. Now France thinks I'm suddenly head over heels from some dumb jock that doesn't even like me.

I sighed once more sitting up, leaning my back against the headboard.
"Kendyl?" My mother knocked once peering her in head in my room.
"Yeah mom"
"You have visitors"

My mother stepped to the side and in came the two most important people in my life, Melanie and Porter.
"We bought snacks" Mel said smiling as she held up target bag
"You mean I bought snacks"

Porter grunted as Melanie's elbow connected with his stomach, she rolled her eyes grinning.

I laughed at the people I missed dearly. I haven't seen Porter for for a while, even though he was my brother he's been with his college girlfriend, Renae, ever since.

"Hey guys"
"So I heard what happened with France" she moved my feet off the bed to take a seat next to me.

I looked down at my fingers
"Are you okay?" I nodded
I looked up at them, both gave me looks that said 'okay we believe you' .
"Honestly... I'm not okay. I really like France. Like, like like him and he seems to have this idea in his head that I like Trent.." I gazed up at them
"...which I don't"

"I don't-don't I?"

"That's for you to find out mama. I can't tell you to like someone but what I can say is if your not sure don't force it. Trust me you'll regret it" Mel stated patting my knee

"Listen sis-" Porter began
"...I'm a guy right?..."

"Let's hope so" Melanie said sending me into fits of laughter, Porter on the other hand made a face.

"I'm sorry I had to. You may continue"
She said indicating for him to go on

"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..Guys like honesty and if you're honest with yourself on who you really like, then it's in yours and guy's best interest to come clean. Be careful though choosing the wrong person can really hurt you and blow up in your face" he finished

Once he was done I happened noticed he sat cross legged on the carpet in front of me.

Porter was right I had to choose and if I don't, I can loose them both and it would hurt even more.

God I hope I was right.

"Alright" I sighed searching my unmade bed for my cellphone.
"Here goes nothing"

Monday morning I was feeling better. My decision was finally and I there was no going back, I made my choice last night. And surprisingly, I was happy with it.

"Hey Kay you okay?" Mel asked from beside me as we walked to our next class.

"No I'm freaking out. You think I made the right decision?" I turned to her weary, clutching my Biology book to my chest.

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