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Month: April 2021

SURPRISE UPDATE : Warning smut ahead 😛

"Kendyl seriously you need to chillax"

"Chill-ax? Don't tell me to chill-ax. You embarrassed me in front of everyone" I snapped crossing my arms with attitude.

"By everyone you mean him? Kevin?" He glanced from the road to me.

"It doesn't matter you were a real jerk" I snapped looking out the window.

"Hey! Lose the 'tude will you. I was just trying to be helpful"

"Helpful!? How was that helpful, now people will thing I have a psychotic boyfriend with possession issues"

"And that's bad because?"

I scoffed rolling my eyes

"We're here"

We finally pulled up in front of my apartment building. It was tall bricked building with new window installations and automatic doors.  Compared to all the adjacent buildings this one stood out like sore thumb.

"Is this where you live?"

"Yes why? Not bougie enough for you?" I hissed unbuckling my seatbelt.

"That's not where I was going. Wow the hostility."

"I'm sorry, I had a long day and you being here doesn't make it any better. Do you want to come in?"

He chuckled putting the car in park.

"Is this where you take me against my will?" He waved his brows teasingly

"Oh please! Seriously? Way to make a friendly gesture sexual"

"Sure. I'd love to come in"

We made up the third floor and entered the small studio apartment. The theme of my living space was a minimalist aesthetic, I had a small space so my furniture had fit the living area. A small balcony over looked the busy street, to  the left was a black metal rack of plants i kept in the sun. And inside was small rack in white with indoor plants.

Most of my furniture was beige white and green.  Cute and homey feel.

"Nice place" Trent took off his shoes at the door sliding the indoor slippers on this feet, following me to the "living room" portion of the room; which consists of settee, ottoman and a round glass coffee table in the center of the white plush rug.

"Thank you I like the area and the rent is very cheap here" I stated turning on the world news. I liked watching the news to hear what was going on in the world as I continued to unwind.

"Really? Nice. I have a penthouse in the upper east side, shit is pricey as fuck-" he paused staring at my blank expression.

"-oh not to brag or anything" he chuckled removing his suit jacket.

He was dressed completely in a business attire, black suit that looked like Armani. I could spot a good suit from far away, my father was a business man after all.

"You like it?" He asked noticing my interest in his well tailored attire.

"It's nice"

Nice? Geez Kendyl you're so boring.

"Nice? That's the only word you know. You had such a dirty mouth the past few days and now you're speechless." He took teasing steps towards me, slowly backing me into the back of the settee.

"I'm just tired okay. I've been stressed lately" I half lied pushing pass him.

"Oh I can defiantly help with that"

Before I could even blink Trent attacked my lips capturing my face in his hands. At first I resisted, struggling to be released from his domineering grip. Within a few seconds I sighed into his touch, Trent's soft lips warmed my body, all my worries and stress melted away.

I found myself rubbing his now broaden shoulders then wrapping my arms around his neck interlocking my fingers securely.

He kissed me like his life depended on it pulling my petite frame into his body. Trent's tongue made its way into my mouth which I happily agreed to, French kissing made me horny. * 🤭*

"You like that huh?" He chuckled mumbling against my now pink swollen lips. The second he pulled away I whined wanting his mouth back on mine, I pushed myself on tiptoe taking full control this time.

Trent knowingly smiled squeezing my ass cheeks, the kiss deepened at that intimate action. Our hard breathing and kissing were the only thing audible in the apartment.

My lust became too much, I pushed Trent over the arm of settee landing flat on his back. Shocked by my actions, he laid there and watched as I took off my cardigan and top leaving me in my bottoms and a white Savage Fenty lace bra.


I was on top of him in seconds straddling his waist. I wasn't sure where this was going, didn't want to think. I just did.

"Ka—" I shushed him placing my finger on his lips.

"No talking" immediately I dove for his slacks, unfastening his belt.

The Kendyl from two years ago wouldn't dare even to think of doing anything sexual, sex scared her. Even now that I'm a virgin who is sexually frustrated and had never been near another man other than Trent, it was a losing battle. Trent was the only guy that ever made me feel this way.

I ran my hand down his chest, sliding my fingers under his freshly pressed shirt. His body felt warm and skin soft to the touch, but had a masculine feel to it. The soft dark blonde hairs on his abdomen trailed down his body disappearing inside his boxers.

My hand had a mind of its own, I slipped it inside his trousers. Trent instantly hissed body jerking at my touch. His manhood was hard as a rock, warm  and pulsing.

Oh, so this was what a dîck felt like. It was....nice.

"Kendyl?" Trent's raspy voice took me out my sluty  thoughts.


"Shit Kay are you going to keep your hand their or do something. I'm dying here?"

Fuck. What should I do?

Ha! Y'all not ready for this 🤭 see you guys in the next chapter 😂 make sure you vote and leave comments please!!!
Muah my loves until then!!!!

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