Knotted To You

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Soria Knotting is an honors student with a natural flair for music. She plays multiple string instruments and some other rarer ones like the bongo or the angklung.

She's a senior in her school at the age of 16, and there's even talk of her being valedictorian.

She's 4 feet 11 and would never hurt a single fly, she's a proud owner of a bunny, a dog, two rattle snakes, 3 guinea pigs and little kitty cat. All adopted or found off the street. She's also a vegetarian.

Soria's got shoulder length brown hair and big hazel eyes.

But you know something else that's not too typical about her?

Her brother is Francesco Knotting, and he's the most ruthless mafia boss there is.

And when she unexpectedly becomes involved with her brother's right hand man? Well, things just got way too complicated.

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