Caution | Teen Wolf Inspired

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"Your newest mission, omega. Kill her, and you will finally have your father's position of, 'Alpha'."

Classified Information

Name: Melaine Kynigos

D.O.B.: 21 March 1999

Family: The last descendant of the Kynigos'. All remaining family was murdered by various different packs at different times.

Position: Empress-Huntress

Reason for Kill: Classified


When Liam Steelhart is given a chance to redeem himself, he grabs the opportunity with no further questions.

That, however, is a mistake in itself when he realizes exactly who he's dealing with.

Laine Kynigos is not one back down easily.

But then again, neither is Liam.

When a fight for survival against each other, turns into a fight against their own feelings for each other, things get far too complicated.


This story is inspired by Teen Wolf but is not directly linked to the show. I have swapped the facts around just a little bit. I did write this before DunBaby was introduced to the show, so the name twinning is a mere coincidence. Enjoy! :)

Story Plot Ideas |  [Vol. 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz