Distant | IT A.U. (Richie Tozier)

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She was new, she was quiet, and she adored him. 


The one, the only, Richie Tozier from The Losers' Club

He was tall, handsome, funny and even more than she could ever wish for.

She was short, quiet and nerdy. Sarah never thought she even stood a chance, especially when she saw that he was friends with Beverly Marsh.

Sarah never believed the rumours about Beverly, but it left a bitter taste in her mouth everytime she saw Richie and Beverly laughing together. 

Until she heard that Beverly was dating Ben, Ben Hanscom. 

Sarah was relieved, but she still didn't dare to even try to speak to Richie. She was afraid of messing up, of making a fool of herself. 

So she loved him from afar.

Until she was attacked on her way home, her deceased mother appearing to her, threatening to hit her again. She screamed herself hoarse. But luckily, The Losers' Club was nearby. They were searching for It, when they heard the screams, they sped off in the direction of the noise on their bikes, Richie making it there first.

He saw her, looking afraid with tears streaking down her flushed cheeks, her freckles prominently scattered on her nose and cheeks. Her usually pin-straight brown hair tangled and frizzed, her green eyes shining with fear and unspoken trauma. 

Richie ran forward with a broken pipe, swinging it wildly. Sarah's mother transformed before her very eyes, becoming a demonic-looking clown, which grinned maniacally at her. 

"You're lucky Sarah, they saved you this time." It cackled, before disappearing into the nearby woods.

In shock, Sarah remained on the ground, her eyes blank and unseeing, her breathing heavy and uneven.

Richie moved forward cautiously and called out to her, "Hey, uh... Sarah, right? You ok?"

Unresponsive, Richie panicked and reached for her.

Bad move.

Sarah started kicking and screaming, crying and breaking down. 


Richie flinched when he heard what she was saying, wanting to pull away to allow her to calm down. However, his instincts told him to pull her close into a tight and warm embrace. 

It worked, the others stood by and watched as Richie held the broken girl in his arms, soothing her with his humming and murmurs. His fingers gently caressing her cheek, until she stopped screaming and the tears stopped flowing. 

When she finally came back to her senses, she blushed as she realised the position she was in. However, when she moved to pull away, Richie simply held her tighter. 

From then she knew, she would always feel safe in his arms.


I recently watched IT and f*** is Finn Wolfhard hot. 😍

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