Teddy Bears

187 3 0

"We're halfway there Iris, keep your eyes open."

"Iris, eyes on me now. It's going to be ok."


Iris Vanholten was only 17 when her boyfriend took one look at her preganacy test, and ran out of her house. 

She was only freshly 18 when she gave birth in the back of her mother's SUV, bleeding out all over the seat. 

She was only 18 when she held her daughter in her arms, and then died from a haemorrhage. 

It was too soon, too much, too young. 

Another 18 years later, Isla Vanholten has her mother's spirit, determination and fire. 

So it's no shock when her father shows up wanting to be a part of her life, that she kicks him out of her apartment. 

Well, it's going to take more than teddy bears and ice cream to make up for 18 years and a dead mother, isn't it?

Story Plot Ideas |  [Vol. 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz