Chapter 5

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The next time I woke up it wasn't because of a nightmare. (Thank the gods for that.) But because the sun was shining in my face. "Thank Aslan you woke up. We thought you were dead." I heard Mrs. Beaver say. "Huh?" I said brilliantly. Peter chuckled. "We couldn't wake you up" He explained. "Ah. Yes I get that a lot. That's why my twin sister always wakes me up with a cold wet piece of cloth." I told them laughing at the memory. "You have a twin sister?" Lucy asked me. "Yes. Her name is Zoey and we're identical. Except for our eyes. Hers are brown and as you can see mine are green" I told them. "Okay. Well here. Eat. We'd better be off in a couple of minutes. It's a long way" Mr. Beaver said. I ate my breakfast . (Some bread with jam) And we were off. We had to walk over a frozen lake. And I swear to the gods I could feel the water moving underneath the ice. "Am I the only one who can feel the water underneath the ice?" I asked everybody. They all looked at me as if I was crazy. "Apparently not..." I muttered to myself. "I believe you" Lucy told me. "You do?" I asked her astounded. "Yes. I mean. You are going to be 'The queen of Everything' You were already able to unfreeze the animals back in the village. So feeling water why not" She said and she shrugged. "I don't know if I can do it." I told her honestly. "Of course you can. I believe in you. And so does the rest of Narnia. You just need to believe in yourself" She told me and sent me a reassuring smile. I guess Lucy and I weren't paying attention to what was happening. Because out of nowhere. "It's the witch, run!" Mr. Beaver yelled and we started running. We ended up in a cave. "You think she's gone?" Peter whispered. "I'll go and check" Mr. Beaver said and he left the cave. A couple of seconds later he suddenly stuck his head over the top of the cave and said: "Come out. Come out. Oh I hope you've all been good this year 'cause someone's here to see ya!" We all got out of the cave. "Father Christmas!" Lucy squealed happily as she ran and hugged him.  Santa chuckled and hugged her back. "Hello Lucy" He said. She let him go and took a couple of steps back. He took that opportunity to take out his bag out of the back of the sleigh. I took some steps back not wanting to be in their way and I was pretty sure I wouldn't get any presents. He gave everybody gifts. Lucy got a cordial full of essence of a fire flower to heal every wound and a dagger. Susan got a horn and a bow with arrows. Peter got a shield and a sword. And the beavers were told that their dam was repaired and all things broken had been repaired. After that he turned to me. "Your Majesty please come forward. Why were you hiding?" He asked me. "I haven't been good this year sir. I know that so I'm not expecting any gifts. And I thought why spoil it for them" I told him looking at the ground in shame. "Queen Linnea. Please look at me. What you've been through is beyond horrible. The fact that you're still standing and willing to fight is more than any of us could ever ask of you and is proof of your strength. You have nothing to be ashamed of. Please stay strong and don't let the demons in your head get to you" He told me and I started crying. Lucy came rushing to my side and took me in her arms. When I was finished bawling my eyes out he continued. "For you I have a bow as well as a sword. If you push the lioness in the middle of the hilt before taking it out of its sheath it will be a dagger if you want it to go back into a sword just put the dagger back in the sheath and pull it out again without pushing the lioness." he handed me first the bow and then as he was giving me the sword/dagger he said to me. "Be strong. Narnia needs you as much as you need Narnia" "Tha.. Thank you. I'll try my hardest. "That's all we can ever ask for" He told me with a warm smile on his face. "Now I must be off. Things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years. Winter is almost over because of the hope you've brought to Narnia." He said while getting on his sleigh. He looked back at us and said. "Long live Aslan! And merry Christmas!" "Merry Christmas we yelled back at him as he took of with his sleigh. "He said 'Winter is almost over' You know what that means? No more ice" Peter said. We all looked at each other with worried faces and as one went on with our journey.

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