Chapter 8

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I woke up a couple hours before dawn because the camp was cheering. "Edmund!" I heard Lucy exclaim. "Uh Nea could you stand up please I'm kinda stuck." Stark asked me. "Sorry" I told him because I was completely curled up around him. "Hey no worries I slept like a rock and it has been a long time since I last slept like that." "Yeah me too." We walked over to the Pevensies. "Hey Edmund good to see you again" I said completely forgetting I was still a lioness. "What the...!" he yelled backing away. "Oh shit sorry I had totally forgotten. It's me Linnea" I told him becoming human. Everybody else was rolling on the ground from laughing. "Please don't ever scare me like that again" He told me. "I can't make any promises but I will try" I told him hardly able to stop myself from laughing too. "Stark what do you know about sword fighting and archery?" I asked him hoping he could help me with it. "I'm pretty good with a bow and my sword fighting isn't bad either" He told me giving me a cocky grin. my stomach fluttered. Wait what? Hold on Linnea are you really falling for this guy? "Yoohoo anyone in there?" "I'm sorry I zoned out I guess" I apologized blushing bright pink. His grin became even wider "Well as I was saying when you 'zoned out'" At that part he wiggled his eyebrows at me "I can show you some moves with the sword and bow" He paused "But I think Aslan wants to talk to you first." "That's right son of Nyx. It's time for your coronation Your Majesty." "MY WHAT!" I squeaked.  "Follow me daughter." We walked towards the big tent where everybody except the Pevensies and Stark had already assembled. Aslan led me to a big throne like chair that sat in front of the entrance of the tent. "I crown you Queen of Everything Linnea, The Selfless, Queen of Kings and Queens. My daughter Let your heart guide you along the right path and rule with justice." during this speech Stark came forward and put a beautiful gold and silver crown on my head. I don't know what happened but when Stark put the crown on my head and Aslan finished his speech I was overwhelmed by: Sound, smell and I could hear everybody's thoughts. I also suddenly felt stronger, more powerful. And I knew that I could do EVERYTHING except use my powers for evil and for selfish reasons. I staggered backwards thankfully the chair/throne thing was there otherwise I would have fallen on my butt. Instinctively my hands went to cover my ears and I started breathing through my mouth. Stark who saw what happened said. "Nea are you okay?" His eyes went wide when he looked me in the eyes "Wow your eyes are glowing gold and silver."

After I had calmed down and was used to my sensitive hearing and smell. And a couple of jokes that Stark needed another brand of deodorant because he smelled later (Which isn't true I actually love his scent.) We were back in Aslan's tent. "I'm really sorry for what I did" Edmund told us looking at the ground in shame. "Just-Prince all is forgiven. Just remember that your actions have consequences, not only for you but for others as well" Aslan told him. Just-Prince. Just? Oh My Gods I'm supposed to save him from his fate. But how? And which fate? Suddenly we heard the drums. "QUEEN JADIS OF NARNIA EMPRESS OF THE LONE ISLAND HERE TO SEE ASLAN" I heard someone yell. Edmund stepped back a couple paces afraid of what he heard. I changed into a Lioness and went outside and the rest followed suit. The Ice Queen was sitting on a kind of throne but she stood up when she saw us getting out of the tent and looked at me eyes growing wide with shock. But she quickly recovered and looked at Edmund and smiled evilly. "You have a traitor in your midst" She told Aslan and me. "His offense was not against you" Aslan told her. "Still the law clearly states that every traitor belongs to me." She pointed at Edmund "That boy will die at the stone table. Or the balance of this world will cease to exist." Suddenly everything fell into place. "ENOUGH" I said raising my voice. "You and I will talk alone" I told her and she followed me inside the tent.I

A long time later we came out of the tent again. "The Queen has renounced her claim on the son of Adam's blood." I told everyone and everybody started cheering. "How do I know your promise will be kept?" She asked me. As an answer to her question I roared really loudly. She seemed satisfied with that answer because she sat down on her throne again and they walked away. Nobody except Aslan and Stark saw my sad face as I made a quick retreat back into the big tent.

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