Chapter 13

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Five (Narnian) years later

I couldn't believe Stark and I were getting married today. He proposed to me on my 21st birthday and I spent the last month planning everything. Lucy and Susan helped me of course. "You look amazing!" Mrs. Beaver gushed when she saw me. "She truly does look stunning" someone said behind her. "Aslan you came!" I told him giving him a big hug. "Of course I came daughter. I wouldn't miss your big day for the world. And neither would these people." He stepped aside and revealed my twin sister Zoey and my grandma. I almost started crying. Seeing them made everything alright. It was the one thing I wasn't happy about. I know Narnians are my family now too but still my twin and grandma mean the world to me and not having them on my wedding almost made me relapse. That's another thing I haven't cut in a month. Mostly because I was so high about Stark and me getting married. But seeing my family again made me realise how much I had missed these two people. I gave them a big hug. "You have changed U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya" the Cherokee word for daughter made me smile. "Yes Grandma I have. I'm immortal now" I told her "Grandma I have something to tell you that you might want to sit down for, Zoey you as well." I waited until they had sat down on my bed. "First of all I want to tell you how I got to Narnia. I jumped in front of a train. Now don't judge me just yet. The reason why is the steploser. He's been raping me since mom married him and I couldn't take it anymore. He threatened to kill you both if I told anyone. And I was scared. Now I see how selfish it was of me to commit suicide because he would have turned to you Zoey." "Of course you can come live with me you know my door is always open if you want to. Why didn't your mother see what was happening?" My grandma asked.  I looked her in the eyes "She knows. She has known from the start. I didn't know at first so I went to her and she just looked into my eyes and said. This is what you deserve it's the only thing you're good for. The steploser punished me for telling her. I didn't know what to do and it broke me. I started cutting and I have yet to win the fight. Stark helped me a lot and still does. I know it's selfish of me to want him because I know I'm hurting him." "Sis we have already seen Stark and he talks about you like you're his reason for existence" Zoey told me. "Now tell us how you changed." My grandma told me. "No phasing!" Lucy told me with a stern look. "You'll ruin our masterpiece. And we worked for hours on your hair and make up" Susan said. "I won't phase I promise." I told them laughing. I told them everything. From the first time I met the Pevensies. "And now we're here." "Wait a sec that means you're the Queen of Everything? As in freaking everything? Well hell" Zoey said. "Language Zoeybird. So do we have to call you Your Majesty now U-we-tsi-a-ge-ya?" My grandma asked me jokingly. I laughed bitterly. "No. If you start calling me Your Majesty you would deeply insult me because I'm first and foremost family to you. And I always will be." "Understood" they told me. "Grandma? Will you give me away?" I asked her. "Of course. It would be an honour to give you away, but I don't think I'm wearing the most appropriate attire" she told me. "You guys look perfect, but if it really bothers you I can give you something else to wear." "Yes please!" Zoey said immediately. I giggled and changed her clothes into a dress fit for a princess. "To such a replacement I wouldn't say no" Grandma said. I changed her outfit too and Peter walked in. "Oh Peter you look stunning." I told him. "As do you. Everybody is waiting for you Lin, are you ready?" He asked me. "Yes I am." "Well let's go then." He turned around and wanted to walk out. "Where do you think you're going? You were gonna walk me down the aisle." I told him. "Your grandma is going to do that right?" "I've got two arms." I told him. He smiled and took my left arm as my grandma took my right. we went downstairs and into the throne room. the throne room had been completely transformed for this day the thrones were still there but it had been decorated with flowers and such. And then I saw Stark and everything else didn't matter anymore. It was like the first time we met in the tent. I totally forgot we weren't alone and seeing the look on his face he had too. When we finally reached him and both Grandma and Peter had given Stark my hands he said: "Hey beautiful, ready to do this?" "Of course I'm ready. Why are you hoping I get cold feet?" I asked him teasingly. He stuck his tongue out at me. Aslan (Who was going to lead the ceremony) cleared his throat. "Your Majesties when you're ready." Stark and I said our vows and Aslan declared us husband and wife (Gods that sounds weird). And we kissed. We turned around and I said "Let's eat." At that the throne room changed again rows and rows of tables with food appeared we all got seated on our thrones the gap between me and Susan (Which I had recently found out was meant for Aslan) grew bigger so it would be big enough to fit both Grandma and Zoey there and chairs also appeared. "Daughter congratulations but I'm afraid it's time for me to go." Aslan said. "Why? The party just started" I asked him a little sad. He chuckled "Duty calls." I gave him a big hug and a kiss on his nose "Thank you for being here and bringing Grandma and Zoey" I told him. "You are very welcome Daughter" he said and he disappeared.

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