I Won't Let Go

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Chapter 1

First Baptist Church

** Ethan**

“As I bring this morning message to a close, let us remember that when Jesus had to call out to God and was tempted. Temptation is all around, but we must hold strong in God and know he is the only one who can help us overcome our desires that are not of him. Everyone please stand.  If you need desire to be closer to God, want a deeper relationship with God, or too stand in for someone you might know please come to the alter and leave it here. Cry out too God.”

After church

Sitting in my office at church thinking about today’s events and getting things ready for services tonight. I smile to myself as I think I am a truly blessed man. I am a firefighter and God had spared me my life through all the fires. I have healthy parents, yes, they get on my nervous but they are mine. Mostly I am a child of God and I am his vessel. It is hard to belief I have been a pastor for 8 years. Thinking why God, why me. Sometimes being a pastor is hard it is not glitter, gold or diamond as some glam it up to be.

Knock knock knock

I am brought out of my thoughts when I heard knocking on the door. “Come in” I say. In walks my mom and dad. “How is my baby” my mom says with way too much excitement. “I am doing well mom. You saw me last night.” “I know but your still my baby boy Ethan I don’t care how old you get.” “I know mom.” I say while hugging her. “Son, great sermon as always. Are you ready to go eat?” “Yes, give me two minutes and I will meet yall there.”” Ethan, just so you know Chloe is going to be joining us. Alright” my dad says has they try to rush out my office. “Stop! Why is Chloe coming with us?” It is time for you to settle down and this church needs a first lady and she is perfect. Not to mention it will be good for both our families.” My dad says. “We will discuss this later dad.”

Pulling up at California Dream I look at my parents along with Chloe and her parent. I send up a quick prayer “God please keep me close to you. I don’t feel she is the woman you have chosen for me, please help all them understand that. Amen.”  I step out the car walking towards the front of the restaurant where they stood waiting for me. Chloe step up to me before I could even get in the door good. Hugging me tight. “Hey Ethan. I enjoyed church this morning.” She says then kiss me on my cheek. I looked at her then she slipped her hand in mine. I was about to pull mine when I received death glares from both my parents. The hostess approached us and greeted us with a warm smile. “Welcome to California Dreaming how many in this party.” She asked. Mr. Whitten spoke up saying “table for 6 please.” “give us a few moments and we will have everything set. As we set their waiting I could feel Chloe rubbing my arm while talking my ear off. I just tuned her out. I know I should not be doing this but I just… My thoughts quickly come to a halt when the hostess says “Right this way please.”

As we were eating Chloe asked “Ethan what are you doing this week?” I looked at her like she was crazy she simply smiled showing her dimples. “I am a fire fighter I have two days off work each week and then I am at church. Why do you ask?” Before she could speak my mom jumped in “I was hoping I would have a dinner for all of us and you and Chloe could spend more time together.” I dropped my fork. I looked at both my parents “Please stop” I got up went and paid my bill and left them in there. 

I went to my house and studied for this evening service. I know I will hear it from my parents tonight. 



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