Chapter 5

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Surprise Date Night

** Journee**

(3 weeks later)

It has been a week since I twisted my ankle at work and I can’t work for another week and its driving me crazy. I am going to Chick- fil-a to get me lunch. It must have been lunch rush because it was pact in there.  Standing in line my ankle started killing me. I was rubbing my ankle when this man breezed past me and jumped in front of me. “Excuse me but you just can’t go cutting in a line when you feel like it.” I went to take a step and I put too much press on my foot while walking up too him. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” I scream out in pain. “Baby girl are you alright?” He asks with some concern. “Yes, I just hurt my ankle.” He helped me up. “I am sorry where are my manors at, I’m Keyton Sanders. You are?” I extend my hand “Journee McFields.” “Well Ms. Journee I would love to take you out to dinner tonight for all of my rude behavior since we been here.” I smile “I would like that. Can we meet Starbucks first? I am meeting a friend there and it would be a rush to get back home.” I watch as the smile on his face grew bigger. “That is completely fine with me beautiful long as we can go out.” “I’ll meet you there at 6:45.” I walked up and placed my order. I waited for my food as I texted Stacy and told her I needed her to be at Starbuck. I am no fool I just meet him I am not telling him where I live. I got my food and left to go home and get ready for tonight.
** Ethan**
“Mom I do not want to go out with Chloe.” “After what happen at her parents’ house you need to be begging her.” I sigh heavily. “Fine.” “Call her” my mom says pushing the phone in my face. I dialed Chloe’s number

Ring                Ring       

“Hello” Her voice echoes through the phone. “Hey Chloe, how are you?” “I doing well Ethan and you?” “I am doing wonderful. I was calling to ask how would you like to go out on a date with me tonight?” Soon as the question left my mouth I just wanted to hang up the phone. “I would love to Ethan.” “I’ll come get you about 6:30 and make reservations for 7:30 at Longhorn. Is that ok with you.” “Yes, that is fine. I’ll see you then. Bye” “Bye” I hung up the phone. I looked at my mom. “Son, you are doing the right thing.” “For who mom? For you and dad. What about me. You can want me to be with Chloe all you want but if it is not God decision I will not be with her ever.” I say then gather my belongs and leave. I few moments later I walk back in. “Mom I do not mean to disrespect you, but you and dad need to stop. Please.” I didn’t give her a chance to respond back to me I just left.

I am sitting in Starbucks and Stacy just left at the same time Keyton walked in. His brown skin tone was looking very edible with what he was wearing. “Hey sweetheart are you ready?” “Yes I am. Where are, we going?” I made reservation’s for Longhorn.” I smile. “Shall we?” “We shall.” He said slipping his hand in mine.

**At Longhorn**

** Ethan**
Walking in with Chloe on my arm I just did not want to be here.
“Good evening, Welcome to Longhorn. How may? She asks. “Two and I have a reservation its under Harbin.” “Yes sir, right this way please.”   When we were walking back to our table I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see Journee with some man walking hand and hand. “Ethan.” Chloe says. “I’m sorry I thought I seen someone.”
What is she doing here? Who is he? God please answer these questions I think to myself.
“Ethan, what is your sermon Sunday going to be about?” I smile “Chloe I do not discuss my sermons. They are between God and myself until he has me reveal them.” “Please forgive me. I was unaware.” “It is fine.” “How are things at the boutique?” “Busy as ever. Can’t seem to keep clothes on the racks.” I hear female voice laughing. I face towards the sound and see Journee now she is looking at me.

Looking dead in Ethan eyes panic came all over me. “Are you ok?” Keyton asks me?  “Yes, I am fine. Thought I saw someone.” I thought Ethan said he did have a wifey. Well who is that he is with. More thoughts race my mine. “Please excuse me while I go to the restroom.” I hurry and leave to go to the restroom. I pace back and forth it has been two weeks. “Why is he here and with her?” I ask myself. I step out the bathroom too be meet with ocean eyes.

“Is he your boyfriend?” “Is she your Wifey?” “I have answered that question she is not my wifey as you call her.” “You say that but you with her all the time. It doesn’t even matter.” I walk off and wrote a note for the hostess to give to Keyton.


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