Chapter 37

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** Ethan **

{2 weeks later. Saturday}

“Curtis, have you seen or found her?” “No man, I’m sorry.”  I punched the punching bag hard as I could. I haven’t heard or seen Journee since the day she told me all of that. “Ethan, take it easy.” “I’m just worried about her. I even went back to the apartement complex to talk to the manager again. All he said was ‘she paid over $300.00 than she needed to and didn’t leave a forwarding address.’ I don’t know where she could be.” “You never told me what happen to her and I repect that but do you think she might be in trouble?” “I think that scares me more than anything. When we were talking and she was telling e everything she was like a little scared child.” “Maybe she just left all together.”

“I though about that, that’s why I called the airport, train station, bus, uber, everything.” “Ethan I know your worried but you over doing it unless.” Curtis says with a smirk on his face. “No I don’t love her.” “Sure you don’t. I got to run having dinner with the parents tonight.” “Tell them I said Hello, and I will be over next week.” “will do. I will let you know if I by chance see Journee.” “Thanks man.”

When I got home I decided to take a shower relax myself before eating and finishing studing for tommorows sermon. After I got out the shower and got dressed I heard a knock on my door. I open it to see my parents.

“May we come in Ethan?” “I suppose so.” We all sat in the living room where I waited for my parents to speck. I haven’t talk to them since I left the dinner that night. I avoided them at all cost. Now here they sit in front of me.

“Son, I don’t even know how to begin to say I’m sorry. As your father, I guess I mapped out your life so that it would be bencifial for not only you but your wife and kids. That is all we were trying to do.” “Ethan.” “Yes mom” “do you remember when you and Chloe were younger and you always said Chloe’s so pretty one day I want to marry her. Well we held onto that hope and promise fro you.” “Mom I was 11 or 12 years old and we tried dating when we got older and it didn’t work. Dad I understand wht your saying but God has a better mapped out plan for my life and I will always follow Him and the plan He has for me because He knows what is best for me. All yall see is money and having more stuff. God has better thigns for me.”

As I finished I heard a knock at my door I went to get it and saw Amber standing before me. “Hey Amber I didn’t expect to see you today. Not that I am not happy to see you.” “I was stopping by to see if I could come to your church tomorrow?” Before I could speck I heard my mom voice boom through the room asking who is it before she appeared.

“Mom meet Amber, Amber meet my mom Susan.” Amber extends her hand to my mom. “It is ver nice meeting you Mrs. Harbin.” “Its nice to meet you also dear. Ethan your father and I will be waiting when your done.” “Yes ma’am.” My mom walked back in the living room soon as she was out of sight Amber hit me on my arm.

“what was that for?” “why didn’t you tell me you had company, especially your parents.” “I didn’t get a chance to” “I’m sorry it just caught me off guard.” “It’s fine. You must take you handsomeness from your dad, you don’t look at all like your mom. Not that she isn’t beautiful because she is.” “I get that I’m a mix of them both.” “I’m not going to hold you. I’ll text you later and see at church tomorrow and maybe lunch after?” “I would like that.” “Amber leaned in and kissed me really quick before turning to leave. Closing the door, I went back to where my parents were. 

“Is that your girlfriend?” “No dad it’s not” “She seems to be nice. Maybe we can officially meet dinner next week. If you forgive and we can work on getting pass this.” “We might be able to do this. Do not have Chloe their or I will turn around and leave.” “That is fair but her snd her family is going to keep coming to church and your father and I will still be friends with them.” “Mom I understand that and that doesn’t bother me it is the trying to run my life that is doing it.” “I’m sorry son.” My mom says as she walks over to me and hugs me. “Your father is taking me out. We will see you in church tomorrow.” “Ok. Thank yall for listening to me and understading my feelings. I love yall and will always but yall need to trust God’s plan for my life.” “I’m working on it.” “No, Susan we are both working on it.” “Thank you both.” I say while hugging both my parents. Then they left.

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