Chapter 38

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Surrender 2


“Where do you want to get something to eat at?” Curtis asked me finally breaking the silence between us. “It doesn’t matter” I say barely above a wisper.  “O’Charlie’s fine with you?” “Yeah it is.” We park and go inside and automatically all eyes fall on us.

“Hello, welcome to O’Charlie’s. How many?” The young hostess asks while looking at the side of my face. “Two please.” Curtis said. “Right this way” She lead us to a table somewhat in the middle and everyone was looking my face. “Excues me can we move some where more private please.” I asked. I was tired of the looks. “Yes, ma’am but a few people will still be around.” “That’s fine.” She leads us to another part. It was better but still the same. We took our seats and begin looking over the menu.

“Hello, my name is Corey and I will be waiter for today. What can I start y’all off to drink with?” “Yes, can I have Georgia peach tea and the raspberry tea.” “Journee why are you getting two different kinds of teas?” Georgia peach is alcoholic” “She will have those and I would like lemonade please.” “I’ll be back with you guy’s drink in a little bit.”

We were sitting in silence until Curtis spoke. “People are looking at you then give me a look.” “I have noticed. I have a big hand print on side of my face. My guess they think you beat me now your taking me out to eat to say sorry.” We both laughed but I grapped my face and winced in pain. “Are you ok” “Yes it just hurts.”

“Here are your drinks and sir this is your.” “I didn’t know it came with strawberries ontop of the drink.” “Yes, sir this drink does. Are y’all ready to order?” “I would like triple decker club and better chedder bacon burger” “For you sir?” “Catfish and fries and the pecan chicken salad.” “I will get these orders out to yall quick as possible.” “Can I have a refill on my Georgia peach tea?” “Yes, ma’am I will bring you another one.”

“Excuse me, I have to take this call?” I nodded my head and watched him head out the door. “Excuess me miss.” “Yes.” I looked up to see a black couple looking dead at me. “While he is gone, you can come with you we can get you away from his abuser.” “No thank you.” “Honey she is one of them bitches that like to be hit on.” The man told who I’m assuming is his wife. “I told you we should ask her nothing just leave her ass be with da abuser. I know these kinds” “You know these kinds.” The waiter came and brought my drink and left. “If you know so much then you would know I’m a prostitude. Then you would know some guy slapped me hard across the face twice. If you know everything you should know he is taking good care of me. Hes a firefighter hes not an abuser” I just looked at him. “What cat got your tounge?” He had a look on his face. “Is something wrong?” I heard Curtis ask. “Let’s go” He roughly grapped his wife hand and they walked away.

“What happened” “He thought you were a woman beater he got pissed when I corrected him. I dont think he liked that.” The waiter came bringing our food. I asked for another drink. He nodded and walked away. I looked at my food but I had loss my appetite. 

After I got my other drink and drunk it I was just sitting there just confused in my own head. “Lets just get our food to go?” “Thank you.” Curtis called the waiter over and asked for to go boxes. “Yes, can we have four take out boxes please.” “Yes sir.” “Oh, and may I have three georgia peach drinks to go please.” He smiled. “Yes ma’am.” “Those drinks must me good.” “Curtis, you have no idea.” When we got the boxes and my drinks we got everything together and then we left.

We got to my house Curtis wanted to make sure I go in safe and brought my food and two of my drinks in for me. “You can sit if you like.” I followed his eyes to the picture of me and Oliver. “that’s my son. He died.” “He was beautiful” “Thank you.” I sat beside Curtis who had a look on his face. “Whats wrong.” “Ethan only said you been through some things but I never knew you you had a son.” “Did he tell you about all my fuck ups and how im worthless and have nothing or nobody.” “You are none of those things and no he didn’t. It wasn’t for him to tell me.” “Ethan doesn’t understand shit he just constantly wants to fix me or save me. Hes so pefect nothing every goes wrong from him and he got all them girls lined up.” Curtis laughed a little.

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