Chapter 6

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Trade for A Trade

** Ethan**
(1 week later)
Laying in my bed before work I still can’t get over Journee’s face and why she asked those questions. I mean yes, I asked some also but she left, but why did she leave. I finished my dinner with Chloe and now she acts like we are dating and I need to put a stop to that.
{at work}
Sitting reading my bible on my phone when I heard the loud alarm ring out. When I hear the address, I realize it is close to the club Journee works at. “Hey man you alright?” I hear Curtis ask me. “Yes, just praying no one is hurt in this fire. When we arrived, we saw textile plant, restaurant, and two house burning we went right to work instantly. Thank God no one was in the homes and both businesses could get everybody out.
Finally, after a lot of hours we got the fire contained and was looking to see what and where it started. Curtis and I finished our task and assisted with other before going back to the firehouse. “E, what has been up with you lately?” “What do you mean?” “Your dating Chloe for one thing.” “Let me stop you. We are not dating. Why does everyone seem to think we are dating?” No sooner than those words left my lips I hear my name being called by no other person than Chloe.
“Ethan, your safe. I could not bear the thought of something happening to you.” She says while hugging me tight. “Hum, thanks Chloe. I need to shower. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you Sunday at church?” “Yes, you will see me Sunday, but I can wait ‘til you finish your shower.”  “This is why.” Curtis whispers in my ear and begins to laugh. “Chloe, we will talk later.” “OK Ethan.” She smiles and leans in then kisses me. I pulled away from her. “Bye.” I said dryly. “Bye Ethan.” I watch as she leaves and blow out a deep breath.
While in the shower I can’t help, but wonder if the fire affected Journee. After my shower and getting dressed I decide to go check on her myself.  I can’t go inside so I just wait until she comes out. After a few hours, she emerges out the doors. I walked to her car. “Hey Journee.” I said lowly. “What are you doing here?” “I can’t just come to see if you are alright from the fire?” “I’m fine. Bye Ethan.” I gently grabbed her wrist. “Please talk to me.” “About what?” “I would like for you to come to church with me.” Her eyes burned through my body until she being laughing aloud. “Yo   you can’t be be serious?” She said while still laughing. ‘I’m not laughing Journee I’m being serious. I want you to come to my church.” “I’m a stripper there is no way I am going to any church.” “Why not?” I watch as a smirk creeps upon her face. “I’ll tell you what Ethan. I’ll go to your church if and only if you come to see me strip next weekend. I will be on the stage for and only the stage for Golden Goddess night. Only three girls are there and we entertain the entire night.” “Journee, you know I can’t step inside that club. I’m a pastor. I have a church. Why would you even ask me this?” “The same way you asked me to step inside your church.” “Journee!” “Ethan!” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You’re not being fair Journee?” “That’s my offer take it or leave it.” She says as she got in her car. I watched as she drove away thinking about what she said.

{back at firehouse}
“Where have you been?” Curtis said whispering in my ear standing behind me scaring me out of my skin. “Curtis, man you scared me.” “Where did you go?” “I went to go see Journee, Curtis.” “The stripper?” “Yes, her and I need a favor from you.” “I have a couple questions for you. Why were you there to see her? Who is she too you? “I went to check on her from the fire. I don’t really know what she is too me. I need for you to go to the stripper club with me next week.” “Ethan Harbin, you have completely lost your mind. You’re a pastor. What happens when your congregation finds out? What are you going to tell them you laying hands on booty’s?” “I am going to disguise myself and I am not going to be seen only you and her will know.” “Why are you even doing this?” “It is the only way I can get her to come to church with me.” “You asked a stripper and well known prostitute to come to your church.” Curtis walks off shaking his head. “Is that a yes?” I yell out. He continued walking throwing up his hands.”

{a week later}
** Journee**

Walking into work and it’s a bittersweet day. I will be dancing for 5 hours on stage with a break each hour. I think back to what Ethan asked me and giggle to myself as I get ready for the long night ahead of me.
I step out from the back to go to bar to get me sum ice water. I look over to the side in a far-off corner. I see two men one covered up and has a hoodie on, the other black showing his tattoos and face. I know him from somewhere, but where. I shake it off and get dressed for my first dance.
On stage I looked up before I got started my eyes connected with deep blue eyes that could only belong to one person.

I walked outside to see them standing by my car. “You enjoy the show?” “I came tomorrow you come to my church. Here is my card it has the name of the church and address on it I will see you bright and early. By the way Journee meet Curtis, Curtis meet Journee. “Nice to meet you Curtis. Ethan what do you have on.?” “Never mind. I will see you in the morning.” I watch as a satisfied smile widen on his face. I roll my eyes as they walk away.

[next morning]
I woke up wanting to stay in bed all day, but I can’t. Went to bathroom took me a shower, when I got out I did my hair and only put on eyeliner and lip gloss. I don’t overdo it when I’m not at work.

{at church}
I pulled up and sat in the car then took a deep breath. I walked in church and all eyes landed on me. I sat towards the back middle. I sat in front of an older gentleman. I saw Ethan as he came out and took his seat on the pulpit. I gave him a wave and warm smile. When he smiled back I could breathe a little bit easier.
I felt eyes all on me. I slowly glanced all around to see people looking at me with such disgust it hurt me. “Hey sexy.” The man behind me said while rubbing my shoulder. “Leave me alone and stop touching me.” “Your stripper I know you like this and I will pay you for all of your body plus more “He said winking at me. I slide down the pew some. He did the same in the row behind me. Rubbing on my shoulder again. He leans up whispering in my ear “when can go to my car and have a great time. How much?” I quickly gathered my belongings and left.

I got home closed the door and slide down and begin to cry.


Journee dress an shoes she wore to church im MM.

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