Chapter 37

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Surprise! Surprise! Lol! Lol! And a bigger LOL. How many of you did really believe that I was keeping the story of Erica and Ethan on a hold? I would never do that. Trust me, I know how it feels when your favorite story is left on a cliffhanger. I would surely complete the story and update whenever I get time.

Don't worry, I am just as eager to write as you guys are to read it further.




"Your father and I were friends with uncle Richard during our college days. Caroline was one of our fellow classmates and a very good woman. Very beautiful and sweetheart by nature. Your father never really liked her, because she wasn't from a rich or high status family. However, we both got along well. She was a kind soul and a very beautiful woman. " Like Erica. I imagined her to be like Erica. "Your uncle Richard instantly fell in love with her. Caroline loved him too. They were like those couples who seemed inseparable. Everything was going well. After college we were in good touch. Soon after the graduation Richard proposed her. They were very happy.

But something happened between Caroline and Richard. Caroline wanted to get married, have a family with him but Richard kept on delaying the marriage. Caroline was very patient throughout. One day he broke off the engagement with her. She was very heartbroken. She came to me and told me everything. He simply said that he didn't love her anymore she didn't believe him. She kept on trying, but Richard didn't want to keep any relationship with her. She was so heartbroken! We asked him the reason, but all he said was that his father never wanted him to marry Caroline but instead marry Helena. He was very depressed about that. He never wanted to marry Helena but he had no choice, his father had a debt to pay to Helena's father. At that time Helena used to love Richard so her father asked him to marry her as his debt payment. Richard had no other choice other than marrying Helena. After that we had no contact with Caroline. She supposedly left the town and went to her parent's place.

At that time Your dad took over his father's company and then we got married. After Caleb was born everything nearly settled between Richard and Helena. They were happy or at least it was what they pretended to be. Then you came and then Christine. We all were like a happy family. After a few years Richard came to us and they told us that he had met Caroline and that they had been having an affair behind Helena's back. She didn't know that, no one except us. He said that he had a newly born daughter with her and he kept them away in a house on the other side of the town. It was a shock to us knowing about this since Richard was a good man, he couldn't betray his wife. He said that he met Caroline again when Caleb was two years old. He couldn't stop himself from seing her and that he still loved her. He said that he wasn't ashamed of his daughter since she was a symbol of his love for Caroline.

One day, God knows how, Helena came to know about her. You wouldn't remember, you were very small at that time. She was shattered hearing that her husband cheated on her when they had two children. She didn't leave him but things were obviously not good between them. Richard continued seeing Caroline behind her back but soon God took away Caroline away from all of us. She died leaving behind an five year old daughter. Richard wanted to bring his daughter to live with him but Helean never accepted her. She could never accept her. She hated her. Poor girl, neither her father could accept her nor her maternal parents accepted her since they broke all ties with Caroline after she had an affair with Richard. "

I didn't know when silent tears began to flow from my eyes. I was crying, I was crying for my love who had to go through all this pain alone when all she deserved was to be treasured and cared. I cried because I did the same thing to her that she despised the most. I chose someone else over her.
I would never be able to forgive myself for that. I quickly wiped my tears with my hand so that mom wouldn't notice.

" You should have told me mom. You didn't tell Seb and Ella, I understand, they were too young. But me, mom I have always been by your side for every problem. You used to tell me that I was your responsible and mature son, so why didn't you tell me? " I spoke in frustration. I would never hurt Erica like that if I already knew the truth. I know that my actions couldn't be justified but still I could save myself from committing such a huge mistake.

" I know, but some things, you just have to keep things to yourself son. You are still my mature and responsible son but it was not my secret to tell you. But look now, she turned out to be the Erica. Poor girl, she has suffered enough."

I sighed in response. I knew I messed up pretty bad but like the responsible one I was, I was going to rectify my mistake. I was going to apologize to Erica and if she didn't forgive me then I would beg for it if, but I would mend things with her.

I left my parents place and when to my penthouse to clear my mind. I layed on my bed after a taking a long hot shower. It sure cleared my mind. I decided that I would go tomorrow to Erica and sort out things with her. I twisted and turned on my bed but couldn't sleep. I checked the time on my phone on the nightstand. It showed 1 a. m. I just hoped that she would forgive me. I know that I couldn't just expect her to welcome me in open arms but at least I could hope.


Waking up the next morning I had already planned my day. I knew what had to be done and could no longer wait to have Erica in my arms. I was being desperate but I didn't care because it bad so long since I had felt her warmt. But before going to her, I had to clear some other things. I immediately dialled Christine's number and she answered. I jnew this was going to be a long day and a very hectic one for that matter. But it was all for good.


The next day morning I woke up early despite sleeping at around 4a.m. I saw that my eyes were puffy and had eye bags under them due to lack of sleep. I looked miserable. I quickly threw up the first item of clothing that I found and went to my cabinet to take some liquid courage. I shot down a glass and rushed to my car. I decided to go alone without my driver. The car ride seemed longer than usual but I knew that it was just the anticipation of seeing her after so long that I was so impatient. I reached her house and got out of the car and observed myself in the mirror. My eyes were bloodshot and burning from the lack of sleep. I wanted to have to her in my arms desperately.

I pressed the door bell several times and took deep breaths calming my nerves. My heart beat escalated quickly and I felt nervous. This is it. My life was going to change forever and I was more than ready to welcome that change. I was ready to make things right. I didn't know what I was going to do but I was sure as hell not going back empty handed. The nearing footsteps of someone towards the door quickened my heartbeat. If this continued for some time more I was sure to get a heart attack. The door knob twisted and my heart skipped a beat.


I had written this chapter long back and it was supposed to be posted chapter 21,but it didn't quite fit there so here it is. I hope you liked it.



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