Chapter 44

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Waking up in Ethan's arms was always so blissful. I could get used to it. But all of a sudden my head felt heavy and I felt bile rise up my throat. Rushing to the bathroom I emptied the contents of my stomach. Ethan was still sleeping so I didn't wake him up. I felt sick and weak so I laid besides him to take some rest but sleep didn't come to me. This was so unusual for me. I knew that pregnant woman face morning sickness but it didn't happen to me within the past month. I was unusually sick and nauseous. I made myself some juice hoping to energize my weak body but I couldn't drink past two sips.

Later when Ethan woke up, I felt a little better and had breakfast with him.

"I think you've gained weight." He commented while I was done with my breakfast.


When I woke up, Erica was already downstairs and eating breakfast. I went near her and observed her. She had actually gained some weight. I didn't realize it earlier but now it was clearly visible. Her cheeks looked a little more chubby and she looked cute. I went behind her and pulled her cheeks. Without thinking I spoke,

"I think you've gained weight."


That was apparently the wrong thing to say because she halted in her movements and narrowed her eyes at me. The next moment I knew, tears pooled in her eyes and her chin wobbled. Panick shot up within me at her sudden mood shift. What happened?

"Erica... Baby? What happened?" I asked cupping her cheeks. She pushed my hand away and sniffled.

"I.. Hate... You... You.. You called me fat.. " She said hicupping. I mentally face-palmed myself. Now I knew what a hormonal woman could do.

"Baby, I didn't call you fat. It's just that... Its good that you are eating and healthy... Its good for our baby. You look beautiful." I said kissing her lips.

"No you called me fat. How can you call your own girlfriend fat? You don't even love me anymore." She said pouting. I let out a sigh. Why did I have to mess up? I took her in my arms and cuddled her closer to me. That did work because she stopped her sniffles and wrapped her hands around me.
"I love you and our baby.."

"That's what I am saying, you don't love me. All you care about is your baby. You only want me for the baby." She complained. "No, I want you because I love you. Never say again that I don't love you."

She didn't say anything further and I was thankful for that. There were seven more months remaining and I didn't know how I would take care of hormonal Erica. God help me!


"Come, we have to go to the doctor. " I said to Erica who was resting on the couch. She complained earlier that her back was paining and she wanted to sleep.

"Ethan, I don't think I can go now. I don't feel well." She said. I felt bad for her. If I could take away her sickness, I would.

"We'll be quick. Once we are done with the doctor, I'll be assured that you both are doing fine. " I said to her. She looked genuinely sick.


"Please, I'm worried for you both." I said kissing her hand." She nodded and I helped her to get to the room to get ready. I dropped her to the room and left for downstairs where she would be out of earshot. I dialed a number and the person answered on the fourth ring.

"Hello, Mr Monroe."

"Hello, Is everything ready?" I asked.

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