Chapter 52: Part 1

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Whispers, rushing of footsteps, giggles and instructions.

My home was filled with women and children from my neighborhood and distant relatives. I was currently sitting in front of the mirror and my stylist was on full swing in making me look beautiful. My hair was done but I couldn't see myself yet because I wasn't allowed. But I could judge by the reaction of the women coming in that Sheena- my stylist was doing an amazing job.

Today was the day that I was finally going to get married to the love of my life - Ethan.

"Aww...You look so beautiful. I can't believe that you are getting married today. I am so happy for you." Alex, who was my maid of honor said coming in. She was in tears and I felt myself getting teared up too.

"Honey, please don't cry, it will ruin your make-up." Sheena said.

"Sorry." I said and quickly dabbed away my tears.

"You are going to be the most beautiful bride that they have ever seen." Alex said with a wink. I smiled shyly.

A few more minutes passed with Sheena and her assistant doing the work of painting my nails when my phone went off.

I was about to pick it up with my free hand when Alex beat me to it and snatched it away from my grasp. She had a wicked smile on her face.

"Ethan.. Mmmm.. What has lover boy got to say? Shall we find out girls?" She said wickedly. The girls and other women all had a smirks on their faces. I glared at her.

"Alex, give it to me." I said trying to sound angry. But if anything she just smiled innocently at me and swiped the green button.

"Hey sweetheart." Ethan said unaware of the fact that a crowd of almost seven or eight girls were an audience to us.

"Hi." I said wanting to keep it short.

"Did you finish getting ready?" He asked.

"No, actually there's still a lot to finish." I said.

"Did you get ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm done. I can't actually wait to see you. I know you'll make the most beautiful bride. My bride." Ethan said. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Thanks, but I am sure there must be many beautiful women out there who must've been more beautiful than me. I'm just me." I said.

"I don't know, I have eyes only for you." I saw almost all the girls with an expression that said aww..

"I can't wait for you to be in my arms. I have missed you terribly these past days. I haven't seen you for almost two weeks let alone touch you. Just imagining you in the wedding gown looking all gorgeous does nothing to get the desire to touch you out of my system. I can't wait for tonight when we'll be together finally. Just you, me and the bed." My cheeks reddened at his words. I saw all the girls were looking at me teasingly. That made me blush more.

"Ethan.. " I tried to stop the conversation but Alex took the phone away from near me where she had held it and stood in a far corner. My God, this was going to get worst if I didn't stop her now.

"Finally the wait is over. Just a few more hours and then we'll be officially husband and wife. Then nobody can stop me from making love to you. I was thinking we'll try a new position tonight..."

"Oh My God! Ethan!" I said in horror.

The room burst out laughing and I hung my head down in embarrassment.

"Erica?" Ethan said from the other side.

"What's happening?" He said clueless to the fact that everyone here had heard him.

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