Chapter 40

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[Unedited, maybe full of spelling mistakes.]


I was in my living room browsing the web and looking for various pregnancy tips and guides. I had absolutely zero knowledge about pregnancy so I recently started referring books related to pregnancy. I had to still book an appointment with the doctor for my check-up to see how the baby was doing. I heard the door to the house open, but before I could scream for help Ethan walked in with his hands full of bags. Grocery, I suppose. I just turned my eyes away from him and quickly closed the browser before he could see my search. When he placed a plate full of fresh fruits in front of me, I looked up at him in surprise.

"What is this?" There were juicy fruits cut evenly and placed on the plate.

"These are the little things that we call fruits. They are very healthy and good for your body." He replied sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him in annoyance.

It was yesterday when he left the house when I had a little outburst. Honestly, it felt better to just let out all my frustration and anger on him. My hormones made me irritated and Ethan was cluelessly annoying me more. I didn't know what came over me but as I said all those things to him, I felt light.

"Come on eat it now. These all chips and chocolates and ice cream are very unhealthy for you." My eyes widened a little at his words. For a moment I thought that he knew about the pregnancy but as I observed his expression, he didn't give anything else so I concluded that he was still unaware.

"I'll eat whatever I want. You shouldn't even be here. Don't you have office to attend?" I asked him shutting my laptop.

"I do, but I have realized my priorities now and right now you are more important that anything else." He said with a serious expression.

"What are you trying to do?"

"It's simple, I am trying to win you." He replied cheekily. It was the most cutest face he pulled out and if it weren't for my current anger I would have seriously pinched his cheeks.

Focus, Erica.

It was hard to focus on my target when Ethan was right here and all that we could be doing now was cuddling on the couch. But instead, here I was trying to maintain a straight face as if I wasn't affected by him.

There was no point in arguing with him so I picked up the slices of fruits and put them in my mouth. I was actually very hungry and the baby too. All the while I saw from the corner of my eyes, Ethan watching me with a hint of amusement. I didn't know why he was finding the whole situation so fascinating. I offered him some of the fruits but he just shook his head in refusal. I was surprised he was till here today. What happened yesterday, after that I didn't expect him to be here and being so nice to him. I expected him to be angry and hurt, but he was as bright as a day today, and if he was actually hurt he did a very good job of hiding his emotions.

Now I felt bad for talking to him like that. He did hurt me but he appeared very determined to do what he said yesterday. Sure he was trying and working very hard but I wasn't sure why I couldn't forgive him just yet. Perhaps I needed more healing, within which if Ethan gave up then at least I would know if he was genuinely concerned about us.


Ethan had left earlier today just before the lunch because apparently there was an emergency in the office. He was very annoyed about that and snapped at the person calling him. I really felt bad for the other person. Before leaving Ethan had given me a quick peck on my lips and promised to be back within two hours.

You & I ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें