"Im Poppy!" (13)

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When I wake up in the morning my neck and sides ache. I throw Brett's limp arm off of my body carefully and sit up to stretch. My body screams in pain as I hear a few of my bones pop.

I stand up and slide a little bit in my socks due to the slippery hospital floors. I grab my shoes and open the door quietly to head on down to the cafeteria.

Today is Sunday which means I'll have to go back to school tomorrow. The thought alone scares me. I despise going to school, like any other normal teenager.

The cafeteria is awfully quiet, a few of the elder residents sitting at tables or playing sudoku games out of the news papers.

I walk up to the counter and a young girl is there by the register. She was beautiful. A beautiful Caucasian girl with caramel skin, big brown eyes, and curly brown ringlets as hair. Her make up wasn't too much but it wasn't too less to go unnoticed.

"Good morning! What can I get for you, Sir?" Her chirpy voice completed her look which made her seem like the girl who'd get perfect grades and have a perfect boyfriend and perfect life, but, by the light bags under her eyes and the soft sigh that left her lips every few seconds passed, I could tell she was more than just a beautiful face.

"Hi, can I have a vanilla mocha latte with whipped cream and chocolate donut?" I list off my options and the girl punched the keys in the register.

"3.24 is your total and your order will be right out." I hand her what I have left of that ten dollars and she opens the cash register but I stop her with my hand,

"Keep the change." She gives a warm smile and pockets the remnants of the money. Within a few minutes, my order was ready and I grabbed the bag and to-go cup from the girls hands.

"Thanks." I turn around and scan the small place for an empty table to sit at. I spot one by the large widow that gives a view of the hospital lobby.

I sit down and pull out my donut and start eating. Usually I skip breakfast but this is my one chance to eat without my father interrupting.

"Hi, I'm Poppy!" A cute little girl at the age of about five says next to me while holding a My Little Pony coloring book.

"Hello Poppy." She gives me a big smile and I notice that she is missing her two front teeth. How cute!

"Poppy!" The girl from behind the counter exclaims while grabbing the little girl by her shoulders and crouching down to her height. "What did I tell you about bothering strangers?"

The little girl looks down in shame and mutters, "I'm sorry Andy." Her little pout melts my heart.

The girl stands up to her normal height. "I'm sorry about that."

"Oh no, she was no bother. Sit, please sit." I gesture to the chair across from me and she takes a seat, putting Poppy on her lap. I hold my hand out, "I'm Alex."

She shakes my hand in return, "Andrea, and this is my sister Poppy." Her bright smile lights up the room and makes me smile, something I haven't done in a while. . .and to say it felt good really makes a difference.

"So tell me about yourself, and little Poppy over here." I ask her, in order to spark up a conversation.

"I'm sixteen, turning seventeen in July. Poppy is four, I take care of her most of the time. My parents are always away on trips and never have time to take Poppy or I with them. So it's just me and little Pops." Andrea smiles lightly and puts her hand on Poppy's small head full of dark brown curls just like Andrea's.

And then it's when it hits me, that there are actually some people in the world who don't have parents at all. I may not have the best dad but I did have a really great mom and that definitely counts for something. She will always be my mother and she will always be alive in my heart.


I sat in the cafeteria talking with Andrea for hours upon hours. We talked about ourselves, our hobbies, interests, and more pointless stuff. I learned that Andrea has a little bit of Irish in her from her grandfather, she loves to read and write books and poetry, and one thing that surprised me was that she was actually into girls which made everything a bit easier to talk about.

I had told her about Brett and why he was in the situation he's in. She said she had felt sorry for me and that she was here every weekday if I needed to talk.

After we exchanged numbers - because Poppy had nearly fallen asleep on the floor so Andrea took her home - I took the elevator back up to Brett's room.

"Hey, I was worried sick about you. Where'd you disappear to?" Brett's worried voice rings through my ears.

"I went down to the cafeteria and I met a new friend so we talked for a while and hit it off." I explained. A scowl overcame Brett's face and he looked at me with venom in his eyes.

"I bet he was a very handsome guy." He seethed.

I decided to piss him off a bit with his childishness, "Yes, she was very handsome." Brett, with his head down, smiles.

I walk over to his bed and sit down next to him and place a hand on his leg.

"And besides, if I had met some other guy or whatever I'd never choose him over you baby." I lean down and kiss his lips softly until our soft intimacy turns into a vigorous make out.

Our hands roam each others bodies and things get more intense, our breathing gets more uneven, warm breath is being exchanged between the both of us.

Brett pulls away from me and tangles his hands in my hair. I bend my head down and start pressing sloppy kisses to his neck. Soft moans escape Brett's lips as I find his sweet spot. In between pants of breath, Brett manages to say,

"I love you."

Sorry this took so long to do. Gosh, so much is going on right now and my mind is all over the place. But I managed to scrape up another chapter for you. Happy reading 💖

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