"I'll find him myself" (15)

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Two days. Alex has been gone for two days. My eyes are a bloodshot red and my throats is dry.

My mother brought Perrie by yesterday. She drew a picture in her art class of her, my mother, and I. She also handed me a homemade "get well soon" card that was doused in glitter and stickers and even a few pieces of hard candies were glued horribly to the front. It warmed my heart to see Perrie so happy like this. The last time she had a smile this big in her face was when my father took us to the "Dora and Friends On Ice" show a few years back.

Now I'm sitting in my room, as if I have a choice, blankly staring at the white wall in front of me. I have been for a few hours or so and it's driving me insane. Not even the soft hum of the television tacked up in the corner filled the silence any better.

The pitter patter of the rain outside my window was the only audible sound that I could really prosper in my brain. The gray skies cover the bright blue that's always present and the noticeable wind is blowing the trees all over when usually, they're still.

I feel so empty without Al- him. I can't even say his name without a lump forming in my throat. I want to cry but I want to scream. I want to stay calm but I want to chuck something against the wall. So I do.

I chuck Alex's sketch note book, which sat on the table beside me, across the room. It slaps against the wall and lands on the floor opening up to one of the pages.

It was a drawing of me. My hands were crossed over my chest and I seemed to be staring up at something, but what? The sky? The stars? Him? I have no idea. All I know is that he had every single detail right. From the tiny scar above my right eyebrow to the very last creases on my shirt.

I drop my head into my hands and sob loudly, not caring if anyone heard. Just then, the door opens and my mother appears in her soaking wet work clothes.

"Brett? What's the matter sweetheart?" She comes over to my bed and places her hand on my shoulder. Her hand squeezes my shoulder and she starts rubbing circles on my back.

"Alex is gone. I don't know where he is." She goes silent for a few moments and all I can hear is the syncopation of our breathing.

I know she doesn't like Alex still ever since she caught us making out.

"You still talk to that. .disgrace?" She asks, anger lacing her voice. I roll my eyes under my tears and glare at her.

"You know what mom," I seethe, "just because you only care about yourself doesn't mean I'm the same way. And just because you don't believe in same- sex marriage doesn't mean I don't. I will marry Alex one day. And we will adopt our own children to raise them ourselves. And you know another thing, mother? We will teach our children that no matter who they love we will still love them just the same. Because that's how all parents should be. Whether or not you believe that that's not what God wants." By the end of my mini rant against my mom I'm out of breath and my chest is heaving up and down. I ignore the pain in my ribs and just watch the pained, and shocked, look on my mother's face.

She looks at a loss of words and I take that as a good sign that my anger got through to her. Although, I still had one more bone to pick with her. "You know what mother? If you won't help me find my BOYFRIEND then I'll do it on my own. I'll find him myself. Whether you like it or not." I cross my arms over my chest and set my glare directly on her very confused face.

"Boyfriend?" Was the first thing that slipped out of her mouth in the dead silence of the room. I roll my eyes again as if it wasn't obvious.

"Yes, boyfriend. Going on 5 months now. We've been dating since March." She stands there, opens her mouth, closes it, opens it, closes it, then she grabs her jacket and stomps out of the room.

I roll my eyes and sigh. Why must my mother be so self absorbent? I push the argument to the back of my mind and press the button which lays the bed down. I figured I'd get some sleep before finding out when I can get the hell out of this place and find my boyfriend.


"I'm your biological mother." Jasmine says. It can't be true. It can't be.

"What but. .how? No, you can't be my real mother. Jaime is my real mother. Not you, you. . .you-you. .imposter!" I yell, creasing my eyebrows further when Jasmine gasps as if I hurt her feelings.

My father- or Darkness, whoever he is- decides to speak up at this point. "It's true, Alex. Jaime wasn't your real mother. Jasmine is." He puts a hand on his forehead in annoyance. " Jasmine, would you like a moment with your son?"

"I AM NOT THAT BITCH'S SON!" I yell, frustrated. Jasmine jumps and bows her head down. I feel slight guilt but I don't care at this point. These two psychos kidnapped me.

A harsh slap across my cheek sends me flying to the ground. "Damien!" I hear Jasmine scream from across the room. "Leave. Now." She seethes.

He leaves the room at her command, shooting me one last glare before the door slams shut behind him. Jasmine goes to reach for my arm to help me up and I turn out of her grasp mumbling a "don't touch me" under my breath. I get up on my own and sit at the small table for two and cross my arms over my chest, glaring at the woman across from me who claims to be my mother.

"Well, I never thought this day would come. I'm so excited to finally meet you, Alex! I've dreamt of this day my- well. .your whole life." I roll my eyes at that but she doesn't see me.

"Okay." Is what I reply with in a monotone voice. "Listen lady, Jasmine, whatever. .I just want some answers not a whole sob story. So please, give me answers."

She looks from me down to her nervous hands and starts, "Well, all the chaos began a few weeks after you were born. . ."



another (crappy) chapter lol oops :)

so sorry for not keeping up to date with these chapters. the phone that I'm using now (b/c I broke my iPhone) is crap and really slow so, once again, I am updating from my mom's laptop and I can't type for shit so please bear with me until I get a new phone.

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