Graduation Day (Epilogue)

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* one and a half years later *

"Welcome, parents and guardians of the class of 2017! My name is principle Jefferson. I have been a principal here at this high school for just over ten years and I have got to say that this job has been the best, and worst at some times, experience of my life." The parents in the audience lightly chuckle at principal Jefferson's attempt at humor.

"Now enough about me! Allow me to introduce valedictorian of the class of 2017, Brett Anderson!"

Applause erupts in the small auditorium as Brett takes his place behind the podium. Ever since the incident with Alex's father last year, Brett has been trying his hardest to forget his hardships and focus on himself, his grades, and of course, his boyfriend.

"Hello, everyone. Uh, four years ago I never really thought I'd be standing here giving a speech and representing my entire class of peers and classmates. High school has been one dangerous rollercoaster and each year a different ride. But, in my junior year of high school, I most definitely never would have thought of myself dating the most amazing man in the world. Alex Davenport is my rock. He's who keeps me going in life. Of course, my mom and my sister also.

"Alex and I have recently went through some major trauma and I don't think we will ever be completely over that but day by day, we definitely try. I have never felt the same way about anyone else the way I feel about Alex. I know not everyone approves of our relationship but that doesn't matter to us. We love each other too much to care."

Brett turns towards the rows of students seated behind him. All of them stare back at him, their luminescent blue robes matching with their caps makes Brett smile.

Then he spots Alex. Which made him smile even more.

"Alex, will you come over here, please." His boyfriend looks around shyly before standing up and carefully stepping over the other students legs.

Brett holds his hand out for Alex to take and he grasps is silently, a pink blush staining his cheeks.

"You know very well that I love you with all of my heart and I would do anything and everything to protect you. That being said," Brett slowly guides Alex to the middle of the stage and leans down onto one knee, not breaking eye contact with him the whole time. From both sides of them, they can hear the students and the audience members gasp. "Alexander Jackson Davenport, will you marry me?"

Alex is at a loss of words. His shaking hand covers his mouth. "I- I- Yes! A thousand times yes!" He throws his arms around Brett's neck as Brett is standing up.

Brett pulls Alex away and grabs his left hand, placing the ring on his fourth finger and kissing the top of his hand.

Applause erupts from the students, parents, and the faculty. They hug again, both taking their seats afterwards.

Principal Jefferson stands behind the podium once again and continues to name off the students so they can collect their diplomas.

When Brett's name is announced he can hear, over everyone else, his little sister screaming his name and his fiancée doing the same.

And that's what makes him smile all over again.


The hallways are bustling with all of the newly graduates and their parents. Nothing but smiles can be seen on each of their faces, including Alex's.

Jasmine stands at the end of the hallway by his locker where he told her to meet him after the ceremony.

Her grin is as wide as can be as she hold out her arms to embrace her son.

Over the past year and a half, Alex and Jasmine's relationship has only gotten stronger. Jasmine made a full recovery after a few weeks in the hospital and she is as independent as ever.

After she got released from the hospital, Alex had Jasmine move into his house as he wants to be as close to his mother as possible. Although he still calls her Jasmine, their mother-son-bond can never be broken.

Brett visits as much as he can between taking care of his sister when his mom is away on business trips. The relationship between Brett and his mother is still neutral. She still doesn't agree with Brett and Alex's relationship even after a year and a half.

Even if she doesn't agree with the engagement they both love each other and that's all the most important thing in a marriage.

"There's my boy!" Jasmine rejoices as she ruffles his neatly done hair.

"Hey! Watch the hair!" Alex glares at Jasmine which only makes her smile more.

"Let me see, let me see!" She happily gestures towards the leather diploma in Alex's hand. As Alex hands the diploma over to Jasmine, he can't help but stare at the shiny ring that was placed on his finger just an hour ago.

Jasmine squeals in excitement. "This is going right over our fireplace!" Hearing Jasmine day the word 'our' makes Alex think that he finally has a normal life.

"There's my handsome husband-to-be." He hears Brett say behind him before his arms slip around Alex's waist and he kisses the side of his neck.

Alex smiles and looks over at Jasmine with pleading eyes. She looks at him confusingly and then gasps in recognition. "Oh, oh, I see. Um, Alex I think I'm going to go out for a few hours if you don't mind. I need to go clothes shopping again. I'll see you later, sweetie."

Jasmine walks away but not before turning back and winking in Alex's direction. He playfully smacks himself in the face.

Brett steps around him from behind. "Could she be any more obvious?"

Alex shakes his head and leans up in his tiptoes to place his lips on Brett's.


The front door is roughly pushed open as the two stumble in. The only sounds in the empty house being their ragged breathing.

Brett yanks off Alex's shirt and tosses it somewhere to the right.

Their hands desperately claw at each other. Brett picks Alex up by his waist and Alex instinctively wraps his legs around Brett's torso.

Alex is pushed back against the wall, the cool wood causing goosebumps to erupt over his arms.

"Let's take this to the bedroom, yeah?" Brett suggests seductively. Alex eagerly nods his head andBrett doesn't even bother putting him down instead he climbs the stairs and walks down the hallway to Alex's bedroom.

More gentle than a few moments ago, Brett kicks the door open with his foot and lowers Alex onto the bed.

As Brett holds himself in a plank position above Alex, he takes the time to admire is handsome fiancée. He is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.


Brett shakes his head and smiles genuinely. "You're just so irresistible to stare at." He strokes Alex's jawline and dips his head down to meet his lips.

"I can't wait to marry you."


So there you have it, they got engaged!! Aren't you excited?

Side note : my good friend @morjelica gave me an amazing idea for a sequel so I may just act on it!

-ayzha 📖💕

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