Chapter Three: The Will of the Club

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"That's Clarke?" Kieran asked, turning towards me. "I mean, I know I can google a picture of him or whatever, but he is much better looking in person."

"Seriously?" I sighed slightly at him.

"What? He's hot, but it doesn't mean he's not a jerk," Kieran confirmed.

"Can we go, please?" I said, looking to Ava.

She bit her lip slightly instead of replying.

"What?" I sighed deeply.

"I get you hate the guy right now, but his friend is really hot, and he's keeps looking at me," Ava smiled slightly.

I turned to look in the direction of the boys, who had now moved into the VIP corner of the club. Ava was right however. It seemed Clarke's friend had noticed Ava, most likely because Ava had noticed him when he walked in. He would glance over at her and smirk slightly, and she would smile back. I was just thankful Clarke hadn't noticed me though, which I was grateful for.

"Really, Ava?" I felt my body collapse a little.

"Oh, relax, Rory," Ava brushed it off. "Clarke hasn't noticed you, and he won't. I'll go talk to this guy, and you guys can just hang out. Please, Rory? That guy is cute and as I was just saying my love life is in the drain, so just this once, please?"

I looked my best friend in the eye and felt myself sigh. I would happily put her happiness over mine any day, and that's what I had to do now. Besides she was right, I could avoid Clarke easily enough, this place was filling up.

"Fine," I breathed out. "Just keep an eye on your phone, in case, okay?"

"Thank you," Ava smiled, as she hugged me quickly and zoomed off into the direction of Clarke's friend.

I glanced at Kieran who rolled his eyes a little. "Okay, girl, you need more alcohol. Come on."

I followed Kieran to the bar where he managed to get the bartenders attention amongst all these people and get us something. We kept doing this for a while, drinking, and eventually dancing as the alcohol started to run through my system. That didn't last too long though because I hadn't seen Ava for a while and that started to play on my mind, maybe she was enjoying herself, but something told me no friend of Clarke's was exactly good news.

"Is this guy really that bad?" Kieran asked, leaning himself to a wall so he could lean next to me, as I was up against the wall.

 "What?" I frowned.

"Clarke?" Kieran confirmed. "I can see you worrying about Ava. Is Clarke such an asshole that you can't enjoy yourself?"

I shrugged a little and shook my head a bit. "It's not so much him being an asshole. It's about watching him screw up what Henry left behind, which so far he is."

"So, it's not so much Clarke, but what he's doing?" Kieran inquired.

"Oh no, it's still definitely him," I said quickly. "He's still definitely an asshole, but he's an asshole who is going to destroy everything Henry built. So I guess I get a little defensive."

Kieran gave me a look as he leaned over me. I knew the look all too well. Kieran was never afraid to tell it how it was, give out those harsh truths, and the look was one of those moments.

"What?" I groaned.

"You know you can be ridiculously stubborn?" Kieran asked me. "Plus you can be a bit harsh when you're set in your way."

I rolled my eyes slightly. "You're telling me that I'm the one being the bitch?"

"Yes and no. It sounds like you're both stubborn," Kieran admitted. "I just want to make your life easier."

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