Chapter Thirty-One: Boo, You're Boring

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Life had changed a lot. Suddenly not having a job, was weird. I mean, I only had classes on three days of a seven day week, so now on my days off, I just studied. It was sad really, but it meant my chances of getting into Yale would increase and I could really focus on my career for once.

The first couple of days were kind of crazy honestly. Clarke kept texting me to see if he could change my mind. I found myself ignoring him. I was still pretty angry with him and I didn't want to change my mind. I did as I said and I got my paper work in, so there wasn't much chance of turning back then. Telling everyone else, was a bit different.

I told Ava I quit because it was just time. College was nearly over and I would be going to law school soon, so I would've quit then anyway. So it just made sense to quit now rather than later, especially with all the changes at work, they could hire someone new to learn them as it went on. I told this story to Kieran too, and he believed me, but Kieran was skeptical. When I told Karen she was sad but she decided it was the right thing too once I had explained it, and was happy to work more until my replacement was found.

I was worried about what Clarke would say, especially to Parker, since Ava was still dating him. To my amazement Clarke had told a similar story to the one I had made up. I don't know how considering we hadn't talked, but I was kind of relieved. I didn't want to talk to Clarke and this made it all easier.

I really could just cut ties with Clarke, and right now that's what I wanted to do. For a split second I let myself slip and I thought I could trust him. I thought I could really have feelings for him. I felt stupid now, really stupid. I thought Clarke had changed. He had tried so hard to prove it to me, that he had changed, and then he did this. Maybe I was over reacting to it all, being too harsh on him, but if he got caught he could lose everything, more than he would've if he hadn't of done this.

I had to move on though. I would've wasted time and emotions on the whole thing too if I hadn't of quit. I mean, even if I had told Clarke how I felt and all of this hadn't of happened, it would've never worked. Clarke and I were very different people, and it's just something that would've never worked. It was probably for the best that things had turned out like this really.

"So if you're not working anymore you have more time, then you have more time to go out," Kieran nudged me, as we walked through campus.

"Ah no," I rolled my eyes slightly. "I have to keep proving myself if Yale is going to accept me. I'm making the most of it, and finally getting some sleep. Like finally."

"Boo, you're so boring," Kieran groaned. "I mean, you're free, and you're single and you're not even fucking someone."

"Wow, seriously, Kieran?" I complained. "I told you, I ended that because I had had enough. Not because I want to get out there."

"Yeah, sure," Kieran sighed. "Soon, you'll be gone to your fancy school and you'll forget me. These are our last month's together, Rory."

"Oh, don't try get me with your emotional crap," I told Kieran. "It won't work. Especially because I will still see you no matter where I go, or you go for that matter."

"You're just saying that," Kieran shook his head. "I know you. You'll get lost in all the law school stuff and that'll be it."

"Stop being so dramatic," I said, giving Kieran a little push. "I will go out with you before the law school thing happens, I promise."

"Fine," Kieran sighed. "It's something at least. I just, you seem a bit off ever since you quit."

"It's just...different, that's all," I shrugged it off. "I'm fine, just focused. I'm could get my law school letter any day now....I mean it's more like a few weeks, but still. It's stressing me out, that's all."

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