The Rouge Prince

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There is a cultural fest happening in my college ...every year we have this fest and its beautiful. I can't participate ...well I have compromised on that part. But I am actively involved in THE BACK stage activities..Ananya is participating in folk dance...she doing  a solo and a group performance...and guess what My Rajmata Rudrani Devi is the chief guest. Hate it..hate the fact that I have to be seated next to her. I took a deep breath for now I don't want to think of anyone or anything....only mom and Veer bhai know that I am part of the back stage team...if Rajmata gets to know that..well I will be locked in the tower. My biggest concern is Yuvraj Ranvijay...he keeps me company a lot often these days, but today I don't want him to be around and I know God will answer my prayer...because I have Ananya...she has a weird ideas...I just want her to succeed but don't know will she escape those guards and CCTV cameras.... 

Prowling in my room I kept waiting for her call and finally she did; ''Rakshu all clear ...that demon won't be able to follow you''

I smiled and ran down....she was waiting..; ''what will stop him....??'' I knew she could do things no one can imagine..I was just curious..she smiled; ''well THE CROWNED PRINCE RANJVIJAY ....'' I was waiting holding my breath ...she chuckled ; ''he is going to spend his day in the wash room...'' My pupil dilated and jaw on earth did she do that...just one word came out of lips; ''How''

Ananya; ''Raghuveer....we were brain storming how do stop that demon when this brilliant idea struck my brain ...but then the question was how....I suggested...he was reluctant but then he agreed..because even he couldn't think of something better....we added Laxatives to his protein was a team effort..he distracted the servant and I added...mission accomplished ...''

I blinked and turned around to find Veer bhai smiling at me....he opened his arms and I ran to him...he held me close ; ''enjoy your day....'' I sniffed and looked up; ''I never thought you would do something like this...I mean what about the protocol''

Veer bhai gently took my tear on his finger tip; ''this..this drop makes me break all the protocols it won't do him any harm..its a harmless prank...go you are getting late ...I will help bhai recover...not before evening of course.'' I gave bhai one hug before running to my car....its the day of my freedom and I am going to live every bit of it.


God !!! it hurts , with each round to washroom I feel life leaving my body...however I try I am not able to recall what wrong did the eat....because  generally don't ...I am very particular about my diet ...then it because of heat...No...there had to be something...shit!! Here I am running again....Raghuveer called out for me; ''Bhaisa doctor is here...''

''I will be out in a minute'' I walked out all drained....I never felt this weak. My Body gave up and I stumbled ..Veer caught hold of me helping me to bed..The doctor heard of my symptoms after a pause he spoke; ''this doesn't looks like food-poising or heat stroke to me as you are just having motions. Generally in food-poising people puke along with motions...looks like you ate some laxative ...nothing to worry..I am giving you few tablets...drink properly and should be fine by tomorrow'' The doctor left with a doubt in my head...closing my eyes I went back through the day again...what and when I had since I woke up...YES!!! This is after that protein shake...there is no point asking the staff...not even in their dreams they would try something like this on me...then who...I picked up the intercom... get me all the details on the visitors who visited today.

Dad and Granny's political association has made our house like a visitor gallery, keeping the security we maintain a I went down the list my eyes narrowed at a name ...yes it has to be her Ananya ....must say girl you have guts...but did you think of the repercussion before trying this on me...don't know why but a smile crept on my shouldn't have done this Anu....not with you will pay in my way....what had you don't fear me ...would love to see some in your doe thoughts were disrupted by my mobile.

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