Soul Mates

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Morning came earlier than usual, if you ask me I don't want any nights with her to ever end. When her soft arms envelopes me , pulling me into their warmth. I forget everything, every worry . She takes me to a world where only two soul exits. Its me and my Anu's world.It has no charade no worries and no commitments. It just has love and complete surrender. But its an universal truth that nights open into a bright day and today was an important day.   I had a polo match scheduled. Me and Veer both were participating. Since I started participating I haven't lost even once. Today too, I want to keep the records going. After dressing up my eyes moved to the sleeping figure on the bed. She looked look like a star who had left the heavenly adobe to grace my life. Leaning on her I removed the hair that fell on her forehead. Without opening her eyes she smiled. ; ''Good morning my prince''  . I pecked her cheek; ''I am expecting you to join the audience'' She stretched and wrapped her arms around my neck; ''I will , how can I miss the chance of ogling at the most wanted man in action'' That bought a smile on my face, she is just as raw as I am when it comes to expressing her heart. Kissing me deep she whispered; ''Stay safe Ranvijay and I love you'' Nodding I left. Before the match there is a team meeting. We have to discuss about our strategy for the game. 


We were there on the field mounted on the horses. Waiting for the referee, to blow the whistle. The opposite captain had challenged me , what irked me was his comment on taking a commoner as a wife . He said my life had been so uneventful that none of the Royal maidens found me too boring. He is a hot headed guy who had been jealous of us since the beginning of the time, I hell cared about what he spoke or thought about me. But dragging my wife will cost him, Ananya is precious and above all she deserves respect. Today, I am going to win this for her. My eyes moved to the audience and I found my family seated under a shade waiting for all to begin. Dressed in a silk saree royally she had her head covered like other royals , she was seated next to granny and kept nodding on whatever was being said to her. It amazes me the way Granny and Ananya had started bonding, if someone would have said that they would be sitting together like best of friends some day, I would have literally laughed my heart out. There is something special about this girl, she attracts impresses people easily. She isn't a china doll, she uses her brain and stands out. Ananya shares maximum duties of Granny and Mom. they both are more than happy partying from it.For some strange reason even Raksha has mellowed a lot. She is softer with us , what I have discovered is that she looks quite excited about going to London. She feels she will be free of all the restrictions, but she doesn't know she will be under watchful eyes. I loved the suggestion Ananya gave me about the guards, she suggested we send 2 female guards with Raksha. They can pretend to be caretakers and stay with her 24/7. My eyes turned to my family again. Some body greeted Granny joining the palms and bowing infront of her. I could see granny introducing Ananya, but route for her isn't easy. Though people respect her , but the whispers are going that she is in it competent enough to be Granny's successor. But Granny thinks otherwise, she feels Ananya is better than any Royal. She thinks and acts, she is brave because she could tame me and keeps me wrapped around her little finger. The way she handled Brijesh , had taken her respect among the Palace staff to a new heights

My chain of thoughts was broken my call from the referee and we took our positions. Veer was leading today, he is excellent with the passes and today he looks a little more aggressive. I have feeling he is showing it off to his wife. He is madly in love with Deepika and that is so evident that sometimes Mom had to warn him to be normal and behave when in gatherings . The sound of whistle marked the beginning of the match ans Veer gets the first strike. He gave me a nod and I understood, his mallet  made a strong contact with the ball he making it fly over the head of opponent team. As expected, the ball landed near opposite goal post. I had already made my way there. The ball landed close to me and in next hit I made a goal, getting our team an upper hand. This had always been our strategy, we attack making the opposite team go in a defensive mode and eventually they give in. By half time we had already scored 3 on the opposite team. We had another 20 mins of the game left. Our team looked high in spirits, we joked and laughed during the break.

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