The Treacherous Heart

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His arm bled as he drove me back home. I felt pathetic, All this is my fault , I shouldn't have gone... Turning my eyes to him I watched him....he looked in pain...he sat like a stone statue at his place showing no trace of pain rather he looked lost... may be thinking about what just happened . '' Promise me you won't blame Raksha for any of this...'' Without looking at me he responded ; ''we have reached'' looking out I realized I was home...but I needed his word , I don't want brother-Sister bond to get more spoiled . I knew he wanted me to leave so that he could escape giving me his word ...staring at him I commanded; ''Give me a moment with Ranvijay'' Hemant and driver moved out leaving me alone with him. Leaning on the leather seat he laughed his heart out and then he turned his eyes to me watching me intently...don't know why but his eyes churned my insides....smiling he said; ''Fine....I promise now go and Ananya no one should know what happened''  Leaving the car I walked out....don't know why...but I want to be with him....this all happened because of me ...turning I stood there watching him...before moving inside I wanted to be sure that he would be fine; ''Hemant...make sure he sees a doctor'' Hemant nodded before walking out....

Mom scolded me for going out without informing guards or her...I just stood there with my head hung low. How do I tell her that already got punished ....with a sorry I moved to my room locking the door behind me. I crashed on the bed ... I am still processing what happened just few hours back , Ranvijay risked himself for me. If not him something grave could have I know why he tries to restrict Raksha...Their name and power must have made enemies too...thank god they didn't reach Raksha or I would never have been able to forgive myself...

Pulling those drama clothes off my body I took a cold bath...wish I could wipe today's memory off my mind...Wrapping the towel around me I walked back into my room. Standing infront of the mirror I stared at my refection...What does he find so attractive in me...may be he is just hand went to the pendant in my neck...A and R fused together ....fused as if they were never aloof...fused as if they were destined to be...what am I thinking . Shaking head I got into a comfortable pair of clothes. Throwing my body on the bed I closed my eyes....I need to relax...whatever happened was too much for me to handle...

After informing my mom I left for college in my would be husband's car. Raksha showed no remorse or regret of what happened yesterday . I am little stunned , but whatever the issues are Ranvijay still is her brother. I have to look for some other way to make her understand. Once the classes were over...Raksha wanted to go out, but I excused myself...I don't want anymore trouble....when I was walking out. A student  pushed an  envelope in my hand before disappearing in the crowd  . I am not sure if he was a even a student..I couldn't see his face...who could it be. Pushing it in my bag I drove back  home...I decided to to finish my assignments and then finish revising one subject . I have my exams just a month after the it still sends shivers down my spine ...Suddenly I recalled the envelope ....pulling it out I tore opened it to find a letter....

''Hello to you would be Princess....

I hear you don't wish to marry your fiance and had been forced into the relationship. Don't think who I am and why am I writing to you...just remember I am the one who can set you free....think have 2 days

                                                                                                                                     A well wisher''

Who could this be....what did he meant by getting rid of Ranvijay...I don't want to marry him that's true. But can I trust some unknown lame guy on the basis of a note..what if he is one of enemies of Ranvijay. 'How does that matter to you. You can be free just concentrate on that' suggested my brain ....can I ??? what if I get into a bigger mess...what if this guy using me causes harm to whole Royal family...NO ....I won't let anyone use me this way...with that decision I pulled the comforter over my head to welcome a relaxing slumber....

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